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OFFICIAL: Biblical/Theology Discussion thread

Thump;780144; said:
What does it take to get to heaven?

Does a prisoner who finds God while on Death row get there?

Does someone who is read the last rites go to heaven?

What exactly does it require?
Every person has done something that would be considered a sin. Go through the Ten Commandments and you will quickly see that none of us is up to God's standard. A righteous and holy God cannot be in the presence of sin, and so none of us can get to heaven based on our own righteousness. Without an atoning sacrifice, we are all bound for hell. But Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and he was not guilty of any sin. His death is a one-time payment for all sins of the past, present, or future. But a person cannot simply believe in Christ for salvation, he/she must repent from all sins and trust in Christ to save him/her. It means not just believing in the cross, but taking it up and carrying it. Repentence and faith is what is required to get to heaven. The prisoner can follow this plan and so can someone on their deathbed. It is open and available for all.
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Here's a great theological question to non-believers that I heard raised on the Dennis Prager show last week:

How does a person who does not believe in a Supreme Being objectively demonstrate that human life has significance? Is it even possible?
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Thump;738138; said:
Did God invent man or did Man invent God?

This reminded me of a classic and very powerful IMO quote by the famous author Voltaire.

"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."

I think this stands true. If you consider the center of morality and its roots in religion (a good bit Christianity in this country), this statement makes a great deal of sense. I couldn't imagine a society with no greater being, no one to hold us all accountable for our good and bad deeds.

Makes me wonder, what makes those who aren't believers generally good in nature? There is plenty of evil out there, but I think whether people choose to accept or recognize a god, or the Christian God, I think the basic morals apply or rub off on them whilst they interact with society as a whole. Why are we not all heathens? Everyone is to an extent, but what drives those who don't believe in heaven or hell to make any moral decision whatsoever? Why not just go crazy and sin blindly regardless of the severity of the wrong act? Hmm...

For the non-believers, are we simply hardwired to be moralistic or are we following in ancient Christian footprints by default? Why is the average human good? Or is that a Christian viewpoint in itself?
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Cornerback6;787306; said:
For the non-believers, are we simply hardwired to be moralistic or are we following in ancient Christian footprints by default? Why is the average human good? Or is that a Christian viewpoint in itself?

Well, if one believes the average human is good, then one is not following the Christian viewpoint since it rejects the idea that humans can be good without surrendering themselves to God.

However, if you are asking why does the average human act good on a comparitive level, then you may be correct that in the West it is the 1700-year historical footprint of Judeo-Christian values on the culture.
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Cornerback6;787306; said:
This reminded me of a classic and very powerful IMO quote by the famous author Voltaire.

"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
what i think is even more interesting is the fact that the slaughter of the Huguenots in France allowed 'the thinkers' to emerge, and it was that very atheistic movement that ushered in the French Revolution and shattered the final remnants of the Roman Church's hold over the world... without atheists like Voltaire, the prophecies of Revelation would not have been fulfilled.
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Thump;780144; said:
What does it take to get to heaven?

Does a prisoner who finds God while on Death row get there?

Does someone who is read the last rites go to heaven?

What exactly does it require?
I asked this question earlier in the thread.. if God died for human salvation, i would think that everyone goes to heaven. Another question is, what is heaven.. is God there.. are their diffrent levels of heaven?

Is hitler in heaven? When Christ hung on the cross he didn't say "You're gonna burn" he said "Forgive them".. so is there a hell?

..for they know not what they do. Ignorance is bliss. I go back & forth with my own personal opinions on hell.. im starting to swing back to there definatly is a hell but idk. i just got off my Christ died for humankind, not good humans kick and there is no hell.
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Bleed S & G;787460; said:
..for they know not what they do. Ignorance is bliss. I go back & forth with my own personal opinions on hell.. im starting to swing back to there definatly is a hell but idk. i just got off my Christ died for humankind, not good humans kick and there is no hell.
What is your basis for that in scripture?
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jwinslow;787463; said:
What is your basis for that in scripture?
In scripture Christ died for Mans salvation.. where in scripture does it say only for the non-sinner? My impression is Christ died for humankind. I don't have a verse from the bible, it's my own personal thoughts..

Like i said, I go back & forth.. but I have no basis in scripture

The basis for ignorance is bliss? Adam & Eve.. they weren't sinning until they knew they were. Perhaps this is why Christ was so found of kids? If a racist is born & raised a racist and it's not wrong in his eyes, and he dies and meets God on judgement day.. whats Gods judgement? I personally believe you aren't sinning unless you think you are.

Even if you are sinning, it's forgiven (if your willing to accept it or truley sorry? maybe not even?) and your salvation was attained 2,000 years ago through the lamb of Gods sacrifice

Long answer short.. there is no basis in scripture (that i know of).. it's based out of my personal beliefs
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I can dig it Bleed S&G - If Christ died for us, he died for all of us, I assume. So, sounds to me like a free pass to fuck around, since I'm forgiven and all. Which, of course, is why I don't believe Christ saved me from anything at all (died for my benefit), and take responsibility for more own acts/sins/etc. The notion of a the Christ strikes me as religious overkill, to be honest. I have labored over this issue for many years, and I just cannot find one rational reason to accept that Jesus was anything more than a man. A "great" man, even.. but a man, nonetheless.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;787479; said:
I can dig it Bleed S&G - If Christ died for us, he died for all of us, I assume. So, sounds to me like a free pass to fuck around, since I'm forgiven and all. Which, of course, is why I don't believe Christ saved me from anything at all (died for my benefit), and take responsibility for more own acts/sins/etc. The notion of a the Christ strikes me as religious overkill, to be honest. I have labored over this issue for many years, and I just cannot find one rational reason to accept that Jesus was anything more than a man. A "great" man, even.. but a man, nonetheless.
See I dont view it as a free pass.. like I said ignorance is bliss.. now that you have this knowledge that you're going to heaven no matter what how do you choose to live? Does it matter? Theres no hell anyways. :) ehh idk, im struggling with this theory.. its a work in progress for sure

With Christ, why do I think he was more than a great man (buddha is a good example of another great man)? Because He fufills Gods prophets as His Son.
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