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Observations from C Deck (Iowa 2005)

my obsevations from c-deck.

I totally agree with everything that Oh wrote.

I just want to say a couple things.

1. Loved the fullback leading the way for Pittman. I think that is just another dimension that the team was missing for a few week.

2. Tuck the ball away.

3. The block by JamO was a bull shit call.

4. We got what we wanted a total domination of a football game, we came, we saw, and we kicked ass what more could we ask for.

5. My one beef didnt come from the team or the coaches it came from the fans. The booing at the came towards the team. That is just stupid. The way tressel managed the game b4 halftime was great. He had saw that we couldnt hang on to the ball and he knew we were in range for HUU so he sat on it for 20 seconds, what were we going to do take one shot at the endzone and maybe throw a pick. Also towards the end of the game when we were managing the clock and we werent finding a whole lot of running room and people were booing. If those people think that they can coach well then why don't they show Tress the 6 rings they have that are better than him, don't know of anyone in the stands that could say that, so do your job watch the game and be the 12th man.

Ok I am done.

By the way I wish I could see the offensive stats but I am up behind it and I can't see that scoreboard.
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I totally agree with everything that Oh wrote.

5. My one beef didnt come from the team or the coaches it came from the fans. The booing at the came towards the team. That is just stupid. The way tressel managed the game b4 halftime was great. He had saw that we couldnt hang on to the ball and he knew we were in range for HUU so he sat on it for 20 seconds, what were we going to do take one shot at the endzone and maybe throw a pick. Also towards the end of the game when we were managing the clock and we werent finding a whole lot of running room and people were booing. If those people think that they can coach well then why don't they show Tress the 6 rings they have that are better than him, don't know of anyone in the stands that could say that, so do your job watch the game and be the 12th man.

I couldn't agree more. Some people just assume the job that JT does is easy.
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I had my annual two alum tickets to this one and for once they weren't in the Southstands or behind a B-Deck post. I just about needed oxygen by the time I got to row 38 in C deck, but my ass was right even with the south 35. What a chance to watch Mangold... he was all over the field yesterday... like watching the offensive version of AJ.

Smith still leaves me with a huge WTF to figure out. One play he looks like he's playing street ball, the next he looks indecisive and the third he's doing something spectacular. He's like a Stanley Jackson who gets things done... eventually. You definitely have to take the good with the bad with him. AND yesterday he didn't throw into coverage and he aired it out, albiet never on target, but he made the corners and safeties honor the possibility. He's also faster than I thought. couple of plays where he moved right by, or got separation on corners.
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I5. My one beef didnt come from the team or the coaches it came from the fans. The booing at the came towards the team. That is just stupid. The way tressel managed the game b4 halftime was great. He had saw that we couldnt hang on to the ball and he knew we were in range for HUU so he sat on it for 20 seconds, what were we going to do take one shot at the endzone and maybe throw a pick. Also towards the end of the game when we were managing the clock and we werent finding a whole lot of running room and people were booing. If those people think that they can coach well then why don't they show Tress the 6 rings they have that are better than him, don't know of anyone in the stands that could say that, so do your job watch the game and be the 12th man.

Not condoning the booing, because I heard it as well and thought WTF are you booing. The O played great sans the turnovers. I figured the booing was coming from the fact that we had amassed over 300 yds of O and Iowa was still in the game with less than 50.

I would like to see us get the play in quicker and be more ready to go. It seemed like we were up against the 25 second clock all day. The time we did get penalized for delay cost us a first down on the results of the ensuing play. I noticed this same issue in the last two games.
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Not condoning the booing, because I heard it as well and thought WTF are you booing. The O played great sans the turnovers. I figured the booing was coming from the fact that we had amassed over 300 yds of O and Iowa was still in the game with less than 50.

I would like to see us get the play in quicker and be more ready to go. It seemed like we were up against the 25 second clock all day. The time we did get penalized for delay cost us a first down on the results of the ensuing play. I noticed this same issue in the last two games.

The booing was generated at the playcalling, b/c you could here the people yelling at Tress to throw the ball and this and that.

I think that with the delay of game penalites that we are spending a little too much time looking over what look they are giving us and Mangold held on to the ball just a little too long.
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Observations from the Lazyboy

* The OL and Dl are beginning to Jell as units * Kudla is a beast. * Josh Huston is exceeding all expectations and his KO's have been excellent. * The KR and PR teams are the best I've ever seen-There has been better individuals(maybe) But not as a unit.
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in my mind i think we should all leave the playcalling to tressel, that is why he's the head coach and when he makes a bad call so be it, our head football coach recently gave us a speech in practice, it went something like this, "i can't tell you guys how many times i have been cussed out over the years by parents and fans for a player dropping a pass, a bad run call or anything else that doesn't work out, its not like its my fault, believe me if i knew the play wasn't going to work, do you think i would have called it"

people blame the loss against texas on the play calling of the coaches, well like my coach says, if they didn't think it was going to work do you think they would have called it
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Here's my crack at it.

* Carp's play-making alone should earn him consideration as an All-American, not just All-Conference. He may not pile up the tackles, but he is everywhere on the field wreaking havoc. I think he showed Greenway and Hodge and Tate (and the scouts) who was second best on the field.

* WAY too many fumbles.

* Even though it got called back, hopefully the return was enough to spark Teddy just like last year.

* It still scares me that any average fan can pick out run/pass from the shotgun formation. This was discussed in an O-Zone article last week and I was watching closely this game. Almost without fail, I could tell if we were running or passing based on where the RB was lined up in relation to Troy. Even though Iowa didn't do much to stop us, that tendency needs to be broken.

* Defense. What more can you say? Negative rushing yards and under 140 total yards give up against the team with the preseason offensive player of the year?! wow. I think they said something like 2.2 yards per play over the last 119:48 of gametime. That should probably be illegal.

* Did Jenkins get the start at corner?


Wh-wha-what happened?
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Everett starts, but in Nickle Jenkins plays CB and Everett moves back to a safety spot. If they're 3 wide we have Salley and Everett deep with Whitner on the slot.

Jenkins did get lost a few times, but I'm glad he's out there learning. He's got all the tools to be the next great CB at OSU, and we'll need him to start next year. If Youboty goes pro, which is quite likely, he'll need to be our field CB.

As soon as we find a way to get Ginn involved in this offense, along with Smith and Pittman playing like they did yesterday, we've got a great shot to run the table. Against a great defense we'll need all our weapons, and we just can't seem to get Ginn involved and in the flow of things. His route running is a major reason, but if nothing else we need to see him on deeper routes more. Let's make the defense adjust to his speed and open things underneath.
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Everett starts, but in Nickle Jenkins plays CB and Everett moves back to a safety spot. If they're 3 wide we have Salley and Everett deep with Whitner on the slot.

I knew that, but I thought I saw Jenkins on the field for the first play and we were in our base Defense. Just curious.
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* It still scares me that any average fan can pick out run/pass from the shotgun formation.

Saturday was the first time I can recall that I could not follow the ball with Smith at QB. It only happened a couple of times, but it did happen. Troy is certainly not the complete QB, but he appears to be moving in the right direction.
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Great play by the o-line as well. I could have run through a few of those holes........well, maybe not.

Pittman was changing direction and finding and hitting the holes. I agree that D.J. might have been the 'thing' missing from the running game. Great game by the o-line and Pitt.

I saw Greenway give the 'suck me' gesture(chop both hands on your crotch) when they were down big. Nice move you turd. I also saw Tate pump his fist down hard after a penalty on us that gave them a first down: another great move, Einstein.

One thing I really noticed about the D today was that Iowa had virtually no yards after the catch. They would catch it then get immediately hit. Great job.

Trapasso had a few short punts but the coverage unit was there all day.
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