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Notre Dame Fighting Irish (official thread of bowl failures)

Two primary differences between Weis and manatee?

Manatee are vegetarians.

Manatee have better knee joints.

Maybe there is something there though. The Columbus zoo should hook ND up with some portable manatee tanks. Buoyancy might be the answer to get Weis back on the sidelines.

As a side-note, has anyone started calling the player that took out his knees 'motorboat', yet? John "motorboat" Ryan.
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Just a little something to place on record for the next "America's team" discussion on BP. Almost every bowl game is being broadcast again in South Africa this year.

The Ntre Ame bowl game is not being broadcast. I just can't figure it out. Is BYU or Arizona now "America's team"? :slappy:
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Steve19;1360198; said:
Just a little something to place on record for the next "America's team" discussion on BP. Almost every bowl game is being broadcast again in South Africa this year.

The Ntre Ame bowl game is not being broadcast. I just can't figure it out. Is BYU or Arizona now "America's team"? :slappy:

could it have to do with Charlie Weiss' size and trying to transmit the broadcast all the way to South Africa??

Just a guess....I don't know.
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Bucklion;1361218; said:
A cage fighter with the inside scoop on South Bend barbershops. Only at Notre Lame can a fanbase have this combined IQ.

Actually, the cage fighter angle gives him a lot of credibility. My personal trainer is an aspiring cage fighter. He said all the Chicago area cage fighters go out to South Bend for training and matches.
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ORD_Buckeye;1361292; said:
Actually, the cage fighter angle gives him a lot of credibility. My personal trainer is an aspiring cage fighter. He said all the Chicago area cage fighters go out to South Bend for training and matches.

Yes but do they get haircuts afterwards? And if so, do they do so where Weis does? :slappy: :rofl:
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