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2025 NJ ATH Quincy Porter is a Buckeye!!!

Me likey! Big bodied young man with great stride, impressive body control, great hands and pretty decent speed.
When he arrives he will probably be close to 6'4" and 200 lbs. A likely plus, if he and Air Nolan see the field together he will be used to seeing the spin from a lefty requiring less adjustment.
The stride is what stands out. When he gets it going he gone. Plus even at his height he has good wiggle to make that first man miss. Great pickup. Love this young man’s game. Go Bucks
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I think Vernell Brown stays in Florida but Ffrench signs with the good guys. I don’t think a lot of people know or understand just how good Porter is… SEVERAL east coast people in the know have gone on record as to saying Porter is a generational talent. It’s one thing for a singular person to say something like that that yiu couod easily chalk up as Simple exaggeration. But when multiple people go on record using that same phrase, that grabs my attention.

I’m going to predict Hartline goes ham this cycle and we end up with these four in the ‘25 WR recruiting class…

1) De’Zie Jones
2) Quincy Porter
3) Jaime Ffrench
4) Dakorien Moore

2 Jersey kids to go along with Ffrench and Moore. My dream class from the very beginning was Kaliq Lockett instead of Jones along with those other 3, and then after Lockett faded, Boggs Decommited, and Bill Green hyped up Vernell Brown… my top 4 would have Brown replacing Jones who I was surprised they took so early with all these top guys still unsigned.
I am thinking it is looking more likely by the weeks, that Brown ends up in the class.
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