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NIU RB Garrett Wolfe (official thread)

His Heisman chances died for sure, but I'm not so sure his "invitation to NYC" chances disappeared, an honor in and of itself. The Peterson injury and the fact nobody else has really stuck out besides maybe Slaton, makes me think Wolfe still has a chance to make it to the ceremony. Can not have another day like that though. He must get back to the eye-popping statistical days from here on out IMO...
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Sorry, I don't get the "it's the coaching staff's fault" arguments.

Isn't this the same staff that devised a way for him to get all those yards against other teams? Including a bushel-full against OSU? Why couldn't they exploit a D that gave up 39 points to Indiana and 27 to Ohio U? Don't big players step up in big games?

That said, I don't think he is out of the race. It is his final numbers that stand to impress. If he beats Barry's record and maybe even breaks 3k he can't be overlooked. And other than Iowa the teams left on the NIU schedule have had some horid defensive games (Temple's opponents have been over 60 points three times). But he is a bit more of a long shot now.

With AP out this race also becomes interesting based on geography. The three top candidates (Smith, Quinn and Wolfe) are all from the Midwest. That could mean that all those votes from other regions will be cast by folks who have seen little or no of Wolfe and have nothing but numbers to go by.

The big games for Wolfe are Michigan at OSU and ND at USC. If Smith and Quinn can win those games they are 1 and 2. My concern is if the voters will again look mainly at numbers where in all likelihood Quinn will far surpass Smith in yards and TDs.
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Oh8ch;634330; said:
Sorry, I don't get the "it's the coaching staff's fault" arguments.

Isn't this the same staff that devised a way for him to get all those yards against other teams? Including a bushel-full against OSU? Why couldn't they exploit a D that gave up 39 points to Indiana and 27 to Ohio U? Don't big players step up in big games?
Garrett Wolfe is not Jesus. They were literally putting 10 guys in the box yesterday. Horvath couldn't take advantage of it because he is one of the worst QBs in the nation. We have a QB who led us to our 1st MAC Championship Game EVER last year as a freshman waiting behind Horvath (Dan Nicholson). It's the coaches fault Wolfe got shut down because they left the suckfest that is Phil Horvath in.
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G-FORCE;634349; said:
Garrett Wolfe is not Jesus. They were literally putting 10 guys in the box yesterday. Horvath couldn't take advantage of it because he is one of the worst QBs in the nation. We have a QB who led us to our 1st MAC Championship Game EVER last year as a freshman waiting behind Horvath (Dan Nicholson). It's the coaches fault Wolfe got shut down because they left the suckfest that is Phil Horvath in.
Sorry G but thats the way the Heisman game is played, You probably will see more 10 in the box in games to come
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Best Buckeye;634358; said:
Sorry G but thats the way the Heisman game is played, You probably will see more 10 in the box in games to come
We will, which is why we need an actual QB that doesn't allow that.

Any team can take Wolfe out of a game if the REALLY want to, we just can't let them.
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Best player? No big deal

MAC?s obscurity dashes Wolfe?s Heisman hopes

By Ben Smith

The Journal Gazette

Enough with your Downtown Athletic Club, your stuffy pretension, your 70-odd years of gnarled stiff-arming glory. I?m givin? out my own Heisman Trophy.
Here, Garrett Wolfe. Have this little silver guy holding up a torch atop a marble base. I know he doesn?t have anything to do with football ? I think I won him for staying awake through freshman English, something like that ? but he?s the closest I could find in my basement on short notice.
You da man, Garrett. So enjoy.
I mean, it?s not like you?ve got a shot at the real Heisman Trophy.
Oh, sure, I?d love to think so, we all would, not only because we?re intrigued by Wolfe?s utterly sick numbers ? even with his 27-yard flameout against Western Michigan on Saturday, he?s still in the neighborhood of 200 yards per game ? but by the notion that the most scintillating player in the country looks more like Lafitte Pincay Jr. than Jim Brown. At 5-foot-7 and 177 waif-like pounds, the dude?s a Smurf. Paint him blue and your kids are watching him on TV on Saturday mornings.
The rest of us, meanwhile, watch him on TV at odd hours ? Thursday night, Friday night, whatever night ? stacking up yards and touchdowns for the greater glory of old Northern Illinois. He strapped 148 yards on Michigan last year, averaging 8.7 yards per carry. He laid 245 and three scores on Northwestern. And this year, he ran for 171 yards and caught passes for 114 more against poor overmatched Ohio State, then laid out Ball State with 353 yards that could have been more had a couple of cross-country excursions not been called back.
Nonetheless: He?s got no chance.
He?s got no chance because the voters like the big-deal kids from the big-deal schools, and Wolfe, while indisputably the former, is short the latter. He plays at Northern, whose resemblance to, say, Notre Dame begins and ends with the fact that they both start with an ?N? and an ?O?. He plays at Northern ? which plays in the Mid-American Conference ? which last had a Heisman winner, like, never.
Sorry, folks. But as much as you and I and a whole lot of other sentimental fools across America think Garrett Wolfe should be cradling Old Stiff Arm come December, in reality he?s just Joe Dudek, the Sentimental Fools? Choice who put up crazy numbers at tiny Plymouth (N.H.) State back in the 1980s. He?s Gordie Lockbaum, who played both ways at tiny Holy Cross and thus stole the sentimental fools? vote again.
Wolfe, a legitimate NFL prospect despite his size, is light years better than either of them, of course. But he?s got no better shot at the Heisman. He is, in fact, less a true contender after Western Michigan than Brady Quinn is ? and, yes, I know exactly how absurd that sounds.
No one has to remind me that the last time anyone was paying attention, Michigan was treating Brady Quinn like a pi?ata. In one of the two biggest games of Notre Dame?s season, his second pass was intercepted and returned for a touchdown. Then he threw a couple more picks. Then he fumbled, and Michigan defensive end LaMarr Woodley picked it up and ran it in for another score.
The final was Michigan 47, Notre Dame 21, Brady Quinn 4 ? as in ?turnovers.? And, oh, yeah, one shovel for all of us wise-guy media types, who immediately put it to work scooping dirt on Quinn?s Heisman hopes.
Of course, then he came back with five touchdown passes and a miracle comeback against Michigan State, which was more about the Spartans? miracle collapse but won?t be spun that way by the Notre Dame lore machine.
Then he completed 29 of 38 passes for 316 yards and two touchdowns against Purdue.
Then he completed 27 of 37 for 232 and three more scores against Stanford.
And suddenly ? miraculously, you might say ? he is the withered codger from ?Monty Python and the Holy Grail?: Not Dead Yet.
Suddenly he?s 56 of 75 for 548 yards and five touchdowns in his last two games, with plenty of lush victims lying just ahead. A few more monster games against less-than-monstrous opposition, then one last heroic spasm against USC ? and voila, Quinn?s in the conversation again. The simple fact that he plays quarterback at Notre Dame ? the biggest-deal position at the biggest-deal school ? guarantees it.
Just as the fact that Garrett Wolfe plays running back at Northern Illinois guarantees otherwise.
Oh, he?ll continue to pile up his yards and his touchdowns, and if he can put a buck fifty or so and three or four scores on Iowa at the end of the month, that?ll help. And maybe if Quinn lays another omelet against USC, and Troy Smith at Ohio State gets abducted by aliens. ?
Ah, but Quinn failing again is a pretty slim peg to hang your hat on, come to think of it. And aliens are notoriously unreliable in these matters.
Sorry, Garrett Wolfe. Not even you, I?m afraid, can stack the yards high enough this time. Not even you can outrun all that big-school bias, no matter how far your legs carry you.
Here, bud. Take my Heisman.
As for that other one, to hell with it.
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