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NIT: #1 Ohio State vs. #3 Dayton, Wed. 9 pm at the Schott ( ESPN2)

We really need to let this game go and come back together as a family. The Dayton basketball fans who are here are also loyal Buckeye fans and probably more so than some of us (not me). Ohio State beat Dayton last night because the scoreboard said so. Let's come back together and cheer for a Buckeye victory over that team from down south.

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LitlBuck;1125753; said:
We really need to let this game go and come back together as a family. The Dayton basketball fans who are here are also loyal Buckeye fans and probably more so than some of us (not me). Ohio State beat Dayton last night because the scoreboard said so. Let's come back together and cheer for a Buckeye victory over that team from down south.


Amen to that......can I get a witness from the congregation!!

(my last post in this thread....maybe)
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OSUBucks22;1125749; said:
I don't have my sig pics saved to get them back though... The bet was for one month, so I'll give you until 4/1 to find it and I'll wear it the whole month of April...
that works... you can always copy them into a PM and send them to yourself... or toss it in the contributor forum.
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jimotis4heisman;1125712; said:
maybe the people scheduling are smarter than we think for ohio state. ohio state is the state school many teams have ohio state as a favorite and pledge an allegiance to another school (ou, miami, kent, ud, toledo, etc). if they played these games regularly you have to wonder if a divide would be driven through the state...

There's already a divide in the state at the border to Hamilton County. But I agree - there's no reason to extend those issues northward. Dayton has a nice program and a solid fanbase. Ohio State has a strong interest to not want those fans hating on the Bucks like UC fans do.
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Bucky Katt;1125724; said:
And for whatever it's worth, what I'm really arguing against was some of the animosity I read towards tlangs for expressing a similar sentiment. Seemed unjustified, IMO.

You see the comments in one light and I see them in another. Your interpretation seems a bit off, however, considering the source and the pregame comments. And for what it's worth, I'm sure I could come up with a list of "ifs" after every single one of OSU's losses this year that, taking those factors out of the game, OSU would be undefeated right now. Guess what? No one cares. OSU proved on the court last night that it was the superior team. Implying that OSU only won because it was fortunate to have a list of things happen is whining, in my opinion.
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buckeyesin07;1125784; said:
Your interpretation seems a bit off, however, considering the source and the pregame comments.

I said I wouldn't post anymore in this thread...but this will be my last one.

"considering the source" of the words quoted above I guess there is no point to continue the debate.

I have been on this board for over 4.5 years and have never had anyone use a phrase such as that directed at me. I've gotten into some "heated" discussions with ORD about the smaller Ohio Schools, and got into some "discussion" in the political forum.....but I have never had anyone insult me before by completely writing off my comments by stating "consider the source". "The source" of the pregame comments and post game comments is from someone that is a big UD fan and a big OSU fan trying break the game down from the perspective of someone who is a fan of both schools. I was trying to talk about the game with the scarlet colored glasses off. Hell, I even changed my Avatar to say "Crow Eater" because I knew that I predicted a UD victory. I was very fair in my comments regarding both teams BECAUSE I AM A HUGE FAN OF BOTH TEAMS.

OSU played a great game....I have even said in this thread that flat out OSU is the better team...what else do you want.

On to the Ole Miss thread for me...
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buckeyesin07;1125784; said:
You see the comments in one light and I see them in another. Your interpretation seems a bit off, however, considering the source and the pregame comments. And for what it's worth, I'm sure I could come up with a list of "ifs" after every single one of OSU's losses this year that, taking those factors out of the game, OSU would be undefeated right now. Guess what? No one cares. OSU proved on the court last night that it was the superior team. Implying that OSU only won because it was fortunate to have a list of things happen is whining, in my opinion.

To me it was just to point out to some tOSU fans that will say "Dayton wasn't worthy, what a waste" that without some of the best basketball tOSU has played all year, this game could have very well gone the way of the first half for... Simply stating that the outcome was due to tOSU's superior effort in the second half more so than Dayton being unworthy or tOSU being by far the better team... IMO, no one watching that game can deny that that was probably the best half of basketball that tOSU has played all year...
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You see the comments in one light and I see them in another. Your interpretation seems a bit off, however, considering the source and the pregame comments. And for what it's worth, I'm sure I could come up with a list of "ifs" after every single one of OSU's losses this year that, taking those factors out of the game, OSU would be undefeated right now. Guess what? No one cares. OSU proved on the court last night that it was the superior team. Implying that OSU only won because it was fortunate to have a list of things happen is whining, in my opinion.
i know uc fans who are osu football fans and i know xavier alums who consider themselves ohio state die hards.

on the whole i agree. ohio has what 12 or 13 d 1 bball schools. personally i am not a fan of instate games. that is my view.
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To me it was just to point out to some tOSU fans that will say "Dayton wasn't worthy, what a waste" that without some of the best basketball tOSU has played all year, this game could have very well gone the way of the first half for... Simply stating that the outcome was due to tOSU's superior effort in the second half more so than Dayton being unworthy or tOSU being by far the better team... IMO, no one watching that game can deny that that was probably the best half of basketball that tOSU has played all year...
my response. i dont think ohio state played their best half of basektball. i do however believe that they played one of their better games all year. the team is finally playing with some competitive composure and a sense of urgency.


i do not know how you could say dayton wasnt worthy, they played their way into the game. was it some of the best basketball theosu has played all year, YES. did dayton play thier best game, NO. does dayton have a good team, YES. could they have won the game, YES. did they win the game, NO. if the game was played in a 7 game series no doubt in my mind ohio state would win it, i also highly doubt it would be a sweep...

lots of interesting talk here on many levels.

one part of me wants to say ho-hum yah ok. the other part wants to rumble.

i fell whole heartedly that dayton should be nothing but proud of their game. they have a good team, a good coach, great fans. the way they played and the way the coach, teams and fans acted to me showed a great deal of class. i would be proud today if i were a ud fan.

on some of the issues in this thread.

diebler-blah blah if he didnt score 10 points then, newsflash this was an 11 point game, diebler scored 10. diebler has averaged over six-6 points a game this year. tacking 4 points on your average isnt unreal... hes hit 10 points 9 times this year. he hasnt shot the lights out this year like some would have expected but he also is a freshman who has provided a valuable spark in more than one game. he played 24 mins as compared to his season average of 21.5. more on him in a bit...

kosta-lets be honest with ourselves. we were spoiled. greg oden was the best big man in college basketball maybe in the last 10 years. he was the best freshman big man in the last 20 years. kk has put up a good season with 14ppg and 7 rbs this year. slice it or dice it anyway you want he had 21 points, a nice game, but you cant say blah blah well he had this stellar ubber game, he was 5 points over his season average. this for a kid who has been held to single digits once since 1/19 the Tenn game. a guy who not long ago dropped 19 on izzos sweet 16 team, or who put 21 on the big ten player of the year in dj white... its kind of a shame really for kosta. ill be the first to say i questioned his effort early on and i will stick by that. we have seen kosta improving, workign on things and playing with more sense of urgency in the past few weeks. something that he should take to heart, playing for his state, for his school, for his friends, family and university. i say this only knowing what has been said about kosta and the pride he takes in representing himself and those around him. when it comes time to make the choice i hope he makes the right choice. whatever that is, the choice thats best for kosta in the long run.

turner evan acutally played well, i liked seeign him bring the ball up the floor a time or two. somehow someway someone will have to face some pressure next year with the loss of butler. evan had a nice game and what i liked even more is only 1 to. evan has shown a tendency to turn the ball over this year, especially in spurts, especially in situations that lead to easy baskets the other way. turner has averaged 7.9 pts this year, remember dieblers 6, suprising. also im a big fan of the diebler and turner lineup, ive been an advocate of it all year, it helps with length, two guys who fight and battle, play defense and generally their styles feed off of each other.

srs-so much as been said about this group, their acheivements have been understated as individuals and as a group. its been great watching the group, from the skinny twig, to the jamar butler who shot what 23% from three land to becoming the all time 3man in school history to watching othello hunter evolve from a kid who really really struggled to one who showed flashes of dominance.

lots can be said, lots has been said, ill leave somethings unspoken...
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Here's a usable one in the meantime :biggrin:

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