Start of the second half. Butler misses a 3.
Foul on Lighty insde, his first.
45-36 after Smithson free throw, misses the second, KK fouls on the rebound.
Smithson hits on a drive, 45-38.
KK with a drive, 47-38.
Garland hits August inside, 47-40.
Butler a 3 from the corner, 50-40.
Foul on Lighty insde, his first.
45-36 after Smithson free throw, misses the second, KK fouls on the rebound.
Smithson hits on a drive, 45-38.
KK with a drive, 47-38.
Garland hits August inside, 47-40.
Butler a 3 from the corner, 50-40.