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you get the thinkpad discount if you build it, too. Just make sure you enter the site through the links at http://ibuy.osu.edu/search.php?vendor=115

I have a z60m on the way for under $1000 (well, before tax)

One piece of advice: don't get memory upgrades through them. They wanted an additional $300 to up the memory from 256MB to 1GB. I got the upgrade from newegg.com for $70 (pay attention to the specs for the memory)
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you get the thinkpad discount if you build it, too. Just make sure you enter the site through the links at http://ibuy.osu.edu/search.php?vendor=115

I have a z60m on the way for under $1000 (well, before tax)

One piece of advice: don't get memory upgrades through them. They wanted an additional $300 to up the memory from 256MB to 1GB. I got the upgrade from newegg.com for $70 (pay attention to the specs for the memory)

Hell, Sam's Club has memory for about the same price as New Egg.
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I just picked up an HP zv6123 from sams. Happened to just walk in there one day and ran right into a deal. The laptop, wireless mouse, backpack carrying case, and an HP all-in-one printer for $900. It's a kick ass laptop too. Have owned a gayway, Dell, Compaq, Acer, and now an HP............the others were crap compared to this one.
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Hell, Sam's Club has memory for about the same price as New Egg.
I doubt sams club allows you to light it on fire at a campfire and still send it back. i may be slightly exaggerating, but they have an amazing return policy for a year (one time my third party (not what came with the proc) CPU fan failed during a boot, and my CPU just fried, and they replaced it without asking, which si what they do for any returns).

Thanks for the tip. I too am looking at the z60m, as it looks incredible. A 2k laptop for 1.2k is unbelievable.
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I just picked up an HP zv6123 from sams. Happened to just walk in there one day and ran right into a deal. The laptop, wireless mouse, backpack carrying case, and an HP all-in-one printer for $900. It's a kick ass laptop too. Have owned a gayway, Dell, Compaq, Acer, and now an HP............the others were crap compared to this one.

Very nice....I have the zv6000....Not to shabby...I am pretty happy with my purchase...Wireless Internet is clutch for when I'm out at school...I don't have to use the shitty lab computers....
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I personally have found Dell's to be the biggest piece of shit ever assembled. Always having power issues, hard drive issues, etc. Not just their laptops, but their desktops as well. I do like their monitors, that's about it. Of course those monitors are usually made by sony or samsung, and Dell just slaps their name on em :biggrin:
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My HP zv5000, purchased July 2004, has been great... except the power connection went bad twice (which was probably due to the power supply not sending enough current).

I bought it in a rush for a job interview, from Circuit City. Never again... they are heavy into torture there.
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