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Negative Recruiting Tactics and Silent Verbals (split then merged)

Conley was pretty forthcoming w/ his answers, I both respect and enjoyed that. From all the scuttlebut that has been rattling around out there it seems fairly clear-even before Conley's comment-that Jarrett had an overnight change of heart before signing day, and did in fact give a verbal to the coaches visiting him in New Jersey that weekend. What I found interesting was Conley's response about Davis-it sounds like Fred had the staff fooled pretty good as well. I feel bad for Coach Rios-he is obviously a Buckeye/Tressel supporter-but neither of his 2 superstar recruits became Buckeyes after looking to be a cinch to do so, though for very different reasons, obviously.
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stxbuck said:
I feel bad for Coach Rios-he is obviously a Buckeye/Tressel supporter-but neither of his 2 superstar recruits became Buckeyes after looking to be a cinch to do so, though for very different reasons, obviously.
I beg to differ here.

Neither played football as a Buckeye, that's true.

One, however, still is a Buckeye. May he rest in peace.
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Look at it this way, if something doesn't work out(admissions etc.) and the recruit needs to look elsewhere, there is no stigma attached. If Dajuan was a silent last year it would have looked to everyone like he just ended up choosing N.C.st over O.S.U. and Fla. on signing day.
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This happens more than you think with this school, so keep this in mind when we're recruiting against them.

Cumbie questions critical comments about Clemson
Clemson Football Notes

The Post and Courier

CLEMSON - South Carolina fans who think Notre Dame pulled a fast one on the Gamecocks might be on to something.

Clemson defensive end Jamie Cumbie, an incoming freshman from Morris, Ill., said Fighting Irish coaches used questionable recruiting tactics before and after he committed to the Tigers in June of 2005.

"I'm not going to lie," Cumbie said Tuesday. "The coaches at Notre Dame sent some bad letters ripping Clemson after I committed here."

That claim has particular relevance in the Palmetto State given the recent indecision of Gary Gray, a highly rated cornerback who plays at Richland Northeast in Columbia. Having announced an oral commitment to the Gamecocks in March, Gray has recently re-opened his recruitment and is strongly considering Notre Dame.

Commitments are non-binding until prospects sign letters of intent, and Cumbie said Notre Dame's coaches didn't back off after he orally committed to the Tigers before his senior year.

"They were sending me postcards like a month after I committed," said the 6-7, 255-pound Cumbie, who was a first-team Parade All-American. "The only school that tried to keep recruiting me was Notre Dame. It really didn't bother me."

Cumbie said the Fighting Irish coaching staff, led by second-year head coach Charlie Weis, also engaged in some negative recruiting on his visit to South Bend, Ind.

"They had a piece of paper, and it broke down advantages and disadvantages. It said Notre Dame was televised every weekend, every Saturday. Then they said Clemson has a horrible education."
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