The really sad thing about "that" which is "tibor" is the bastard for years has done nothing but rip on anything or anyone who is is on some hard times. Then, when somebody responds like a normal human being would, by tearing him(?) a new asshole, the guy accuses everyone of being "obsessed" with him(?). People aren't "obsessed" with you Tibor. You probably get some little jolly thinking that we are. You do nothing except hide behind a user name. Make some dickhead comment then scurry back to see who responded to it by calling you an asshole or whatever. What surprises me the most is that there actually are not more dickweeds like you out there. The internet is the "mecca" for wimpy, little worthless fucks to strut their stuff and pretend that there are something so much more than they actually are, because nobody can actually see them. Maybe you deserve some honor that YOU are the only one who has persevered for so many years.