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NCAA09 PS3 Big Ten-Pac Ten Dynasty (Official Thread)

SparkyOSU;1292506; said:
DONT ADVANCE!!!! I got update booted from my game with Basebuck... freaking updates... good game going on to...

Do we have a pass for getting update booted? I am game for tomorrow.
My finger was on the trigger when I saw your post. WTF happened? The update wasn't supposed to happen until 2 am pacific.
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I have been stuck on a bye week for an actual week now. I can't take it anymore. We will advance to week 7 tomorrow morning, no matter how late I sleep and no matter what reason Toledo and Ball State don't play their game.

Everyone playing their human opponents, in week 7, need to start planning when they're going to play between Thursday 7am and Sunday 10pm.
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THEWOOD;1292753; said:
I play buckeyemania, what do you propose we do?
Let me look up how this works. If I'm right, and I'm probably not, then you should be able to play the game offline and submit it. I just have to approve the outcome. I don't think that simming is fair to the player that actually can play the game (not that it's fair to the other guy, but those are the breaks).
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We were just about to go to Halftime in a 16-14 barn burner (for these quality teams atleast) when I got the "you have lost connection to your opponent" then "EA Servers not availible" Then "You have been signed out of PLAYSTATION NETWORK". When I went to sign back in - BING "System Update required, go to.......".

It was only 9 o'clock! Sony must have pushed it early. By the time I finished downloading (because as usual I couldnt connect to sony for the first 15 minutes) it was 10 o'clock I had to get to sleep.

We had a good game, Ball State drove all over the place, Toledo was running and throwing, Toledo blocked a late XP then had a 50 sec 5 play drive to end the half. 16-14 then boop... goodbye...
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SparkyOSU;1292823; said:
We were just about to go to Halftime in a 16-14 barn burner (for these quality teams atleast) when I got the "you have lost connection to your opponent" then "EA Servers not availible" Then "You have been signed out of PLAYSTATION NETWORK". When I went to sign back in - BING "System Update required, go to.......".

It was only 9 o'clock! Sony must have pushed it early. By the time I finished downloading (because as usual I couldnt connect to sony for the first 15 minutes) it was 10 o'clock I had to get to sleep.

We had a good game, Ball State drove all over the place, Toledo was running and throwing, Toledo blocked a late XP then had a 50 sec 5 play drive to end the half. 16-14 then boop... goodbye...
I had the times wrong. I didn't know the system update was coming. It was EA servers that were supposed to be down for maintenance at 2 am pacific. I'm not even sure that I have the day for that.
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THEWOOD;1292753; said:
I play buckeyemania, what do you propose we do?

IronBuckI;1292778; said:
Let me look up how this works. If I'm right, and I'm probably not, then you should be able to play the game offline and submit it. I just have to approve the outcome. I don't think that simming is fair to the player that actually can play the game (not that it's fair to the other guy, but those are the breaks).

Iron, What you can do is set buckeyemania to 'autopilot'. This will allow WOOD (or anyone else that will play him in the future) to be able to play the game just like a regular CPU game. Then when buckeyemania comes back you take him off autopilot.
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SparkyOSU;1292823; said:
We were just about to go to Halftime in a 16-14 barn burner (for these quality teams atleast) when I got the "you have lost connection to your opponent" then "EA Servers not availible" Then "You have been signed out of PLAYSTATION NETWORK". When I went to sign back in - BING "System Update required, go to.......".

It was only 9 o'clock! Sony must have pushed it early. By the time I finished downloading (because as usual I couldnt connect to sony for the first 15 minutes) it was 10 o'clock I had to get to sleep.

We had a good game, Ball State drove all over the place, Toledo was running and throwing, Toledo blocked a late XP then had a 50 sec 5 play drive to end the half. 16-14 then boop... goodbye...

We had a good thing going even though that catch at the end of the half was crazy! I'll try to get on tonight at the same time, hopefully a little earlier.
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