OK everyone. Yet another idea that I've been bouncing around my head for the last couple of days.
It seems that we've lost a little steam/excitement, in this dynasty, as the novelty of playing as MAC teams has worn off a little and we're starting to hit the reality of how crappy the stadiums are(except for Temple), how slow the players are, and how limited the ability to recruit is(except for Piney). My idea is to abandon the MAC Dynasty (pretty much has to be a unanimous vote of yays or don't give a shit) and start a new Dynasty. My (personal favorite) idea for a new dynasty is to make a Pac-10/Big 10 Dynasty with five teams in each conference and Ohio State, Penn State, and USC being off-limits. Another idea is to just move to the ACC with FSU being the only team that is off-limits and keep our current format.
My thinking for the Pac 10/Big 10 dynasty is that everyone will be better off in recruiting. We'll have better bowl games to go to. The in-game atmosphere will be better with the better home stadiums. At the very least, we will have a League Championship game in the Rose Bowl. At best we will have it in the National Championship game. Big Ten teams would have a mandatory 3-4 human games and Pac 10 teams would have 4 every season. If any player wanted to play more human opponents, we can always have inter-conference games during the season. If anyone just wanted the minimum every year, then they wouldn't be forced to play 7 conference games against human opponents like is currently happening in the MAC league or could happen in an ACC league.
Moving to an ACC league would be for the sole purpose of having better stadiums, bowls, and recruiting.
What I don't want to do here is lose anyone from our current setup. I will not abandon the MAC league if I don't get my way. I'm still having fun playing you guys in this format. I just thought that we might want to look at trying to do something different...and get more people into some decent bowl games. :tongue2: