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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Padraig;1715273; said:
"..........and they wish they all were Trojans."


Actually Mr. Garrett, I can't think of a single program in the country that I would be happier NOT to be than the Trojans at this moment.

I'd still rather be USC than UM. Shit, I'd rather be SMU than UM. Fuckers.
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LightningRod;1715229; said:
I'd wager it's arrogance...and good old stupidity.

It is simply astounding the arrogance these fuckers have. From their ex-coach, to their current coach, to the fans, right up to the AD. It's just unbelievable. Hard to believe that the fucks haven't won a title since 2004 and now that's being stripped. The best part is that now they're saddled with a coach that has proven nothing other than the ability to talk big. Fuck 'em. They deserve every ounce of misery coming their way.
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NFBuck;1715302; said:
I'd wager it's arrogance...and good old stupidity.

It is simply astounding the arrogance these fuckers have. From their ex-coach, to their current coach, to the fans, right up to the AD. It's just unbelievable. Hard to believe that the fucks haven't won a title since 2004 and now that's being stripped. The best part is that now they're saddled with a coach that has proven nothing other than the ability to talk big. Fuck 'em. They deserve every ounce of misery coming their way.
Give even more reason to think that a death penalty looms. Rather than take their lumps, cut their losses and move on, they're committed to taking the "Fuck you, we're USC" attitude. It will cost them, in my opinion.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1715308; said:
Give even more reason to think that a death penalty looms. Rather than take their lumps, cut their losses and move on, they're committed to taking the "Fuck you, we're USC" attitude. It will cost them, in my opinion.

I'm wondering if the appeal process could result in getting hit with a 'no TV' penalty if they continue to act with defiant arrogance and get caught with extra violations like boosters contacting recruits illegally (such as Keyshawn may have already done yesterday by talking to 2011 recruits).

Next time Kiffin tries to talk about freshmen getting playing time at SC, somebody should show the recruit this video with Keyshawn. He downplays the sanctions effect on recruiting, since the current recruits wouldn't be getting on the field until 2012 anyway.

And in a stellar bit of journalistic interviewing skills, USC fan Josh Elliott doesn't mention the limited number of scholarships for the next 3 years.

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Not sure if this was mentioned (decently long thread), but SportsCenter just reported that the one year wait for transfers was waived for USC juniors and seniors, and USC must allow anyone who wants to transfer to go. Also, school are allowed to inquire first about a player.
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Class'13;1715342; said:
Not sure if this was mentioned (decently long thread), but SportsCenter just reported that the one year wait for transfers was waived for USC juniors and seniors, and USC must allow anyone who wants to transfer to go. Also, school are allowed to inquire first about a player.

yep - starBUCKS pointed out the NCAA bylaws regarding that in post 1879.

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buckeyesin07;1715281; said:
It's exactly that type of arrogance that has landed USC in hot water in the first place. Of course, that point is totally lost on Garrett.

Ever wonder how much $$$, cars, and free apartments Mike Garrett got while he was a football player at USC? I'm sure that he thought Reggie Bush was just "maintaining the tradition" at USC for Heisman Trophy winners. :biggrin:
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BB73;1715335; said:
I'm wondering if the appeal process could result in getting hit with a 'no TV' penalty if they continue to act with defiant arrogance and get caught with extra violations like boosters contacting recruits illegally (such as Keyshawn may have already done yesterday by talking to 2011 recruits).

Next time Kiffin tries to talk about freshmen getting playing time at SC, somebody should show the recruit this video with Keyshawn. He downplays the sanctions effect on recruiting, since the current recruits wouldn't be getting on the field until 2012 anyway.

And in a stellar bit of journalistic interviewing skills, USC fan Josh Elliott doesn't mention the limited number of scholarships for the next 3 years.

As a consequence of appealing, which is their right, I don't believe so. However, if the NCAA wanted to, I don't see why they couldn't "open" a new investigation in to Keyshawn and his contacts, declare SC in violation, and hit em with a no TV deal (not at any Appeals hearing, it would be a new process)- the report says they seriously considered it already. USC brass would be wise to shut their mouths, take their medicine and move on. They keep poking the bear (which, until yesterday was pretty much declawed, huggable teddy type).

I mean, really... when the report says "We are really troubled, and we considered hitting you harder" that's a pretty good key that you should shut your fuckin mouth, no?
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1715308; said:
Give even more reason to think that a death penalty looms. Rather than take their lumps, cut their losses and move on, they're committed to taking the "[censored] you, we're USC" attitude. It will cost them, in my opinion.

They would be very smart to follow your advice.
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I have seen speculation elsewhere that the formation of mega-conferences could be a step towards moving away from the NCAA itself.

In the wake of of recent unprecedented events, and given the dollar amounts involved, is it beyond the realm to speculate that USC might try to break the NCAA over these sanctions? Get some lawyers and challenge their right to take millions of dollars from their program?

The NCAA is, after all, just an agreement by a bunch of schools to set up their own rules. It is not based on state or federal law.

Which in turn leads to the issue of potential government involvement. Congressional sabers have already been rattled over the BCS. Might it not be in the "best interests of the people" for the government to get involved? (In regards to realignment - not USC sanctions.)

I know I am getting pretty far out there, but don't underestimate where some of this might lead.
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I'm not smart enough to figure this out, but would a civil suit against the folks involved (Bush, Mayo, Floyd, Carroll or the assistant mentioned) be possible?

If so, it would seem a just response- the University seeks to recoup lost revenue, and it would punish the responsible parties rather than student athletes who weren't on the take.
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Oh8ch;1715386; said:
I have seen speculation elsewhere that the formation of mega-conferences could be a step towards moving away from the NCAA itself.

In the wake of of recent unprecedented events, and given the dollar amounts involved, is it beyond the realm to speculate that USC might try to break the NCAA over these sanctions? Get some lawyers and challenge their right to take millions of dollars from their program?

The NCAA is, after all, just an agreement by a bunch of schools to set up their own rules. It is not based on state or federal law.

Which in turn leads to the issue of potential government involvement. Congressional sabers have already been rattled over the BCS. Might it not be in the "best interests of the people" for the government to get involved? (In regards to realignment - not USC sanctions.)

I know I am getting pretty far out there, but don't underestimate where some of this might lead.
If the dissolution of the NCAA comes to pass, or the 4x16-team super conferences secede from the NCAA, then I'd encourage Scott & the Pac 10 to get an invitation out to Utah. Orrin Hatch will be kicking kittens on the hill if Utah gets left out.
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