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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

methomps - FWIW - It probably bouys the spirits of the USC faithful to hear PC come out so strongly in favor of his program. But, it would tell much more if it was the AD leading the charge. And, note, I only say that as a means for those on the West Coast to test the wind and say, yes - USC is out of the woods.

And crazybuckfan40, $200,000 bail is on bond. The full bill is only felt if he flees. Till then its a fraction, probably 1/10th at most - not insignificant, but not $200K.

(illibuck - I'd rep you -but I'm all repped out after the BP Poker Party back-slapping fest).
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crazybuckfan40 said:
My ? is where did Sanchez get $200,000.
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I don't really think PC said anything. He covered all his bases. I also didn't realize he was SO adept at 'coach speak'. He put a nice positive 'face' on everything without actually giving any substance to his beliefs ... everything had a disclaimer ("with the information I have at the moment", etc.)

Solid PR move. He needed to make some comments soon and he did so without painting himself into a corner. Sounds like someone else I know.:wink2:
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I find it absolutely laughable that Carroll has the audacity to say that he's confident USC will avoid major penalties. In the past week, the Bush, Sanchez, and Jarret situations have all come to light. I don't see how those things can be resolved without a good possibility that USC has been found to display a lack of institutional control. My guess is that two or three years from now Petey will have left college to coach in the NFL again.

And for what it's worth, the media seems strangely quiet in reporting all of this vis-a-vis the way it reacted following the problems with our program. IMO USC's problems are worse, and it isn't even close.
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buckeyeboy said:
I find it absolutely laughable that Carroll has the audacity to say that he's confident USC will avoid major penalties. In the past week, the Bush, Sanchez, and Jarret situations have all come to light. I don't see how those things can be resolved without a good possibility that USC has been found to display a lack of institutional control. My guess is that two or three years from now Petey will have left college to coach in the NFL again.

And for what it's worth, the media seems strangely quiet in reporting all of this vis-a-vis the way it reacted following the problems with our program. IMO USC's problems are worse, and it isn't even close.
how is 1 player having his parents living rent free and a couple of run ins with the law worse than allegations that improper benefits were being handed out by our head coach?
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I find it absolutely laughable that Carroll has the audacity to say that he's confident USC will avoid major penalties. In the past week, the Bush, Sanchez, and Jarret situations have all come to light. I don't see how those things can be resolved without a good possibility that USC has been found to display a lack of institutional control. My guess is that two or three years from now Petey will have left college to coach in the NFL again.

And for what it's worth, the media seems strangely quiet in reporting all of this vis-a-vis the way it reacted following the problems with our program. IMO USC's problems are worse, and it isn't even close.

Lack of institutional control generally requires misconduct on the part of the athletic department. You could make a case for failure to monitor, but you would need more evidence.

Also, the Sanchez arrest will play no part in this from the NCAA's perspective.
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“We're trying to inform and educate better than anybody in the country. I'd like to think we do it better than anybody. We're going to continue to bust our tails to make sure everybody understands. We're trying to do this better than anybody else has ever done it.”

I like PC but that is a tough pill for me to swallow. IMO he has created the environment for some of this shenanigans to take place. There is no way that he can honestly say that he has done his best in this area. No way. My guess is that he is kicking himself for trusting that everything was going to be on the up and up.

Hope that they learn from this and rectify the issues with the FB program. I am confident that they never wanted this to happen, but you cannot just assume that everything will be OK and not chaperon young males. Boys will be boys and generally left to their own choices will fuck things up.
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And for what it's worth, the media seems strangely quiet in reporting all of this vis-a-vis the way it reacted following the problems with our program. IMO USC's problems are worse, and it isn't even close.

This is just getting started...and they don't have the bitter star acting like a jackass, disparaging the program, and throwing out wild accusations that he received a number of benefits. MoC fanned the flames as much as possible and ESPN ate up the ratings...even when his lies were exposed, it was still a major story that equaled viewers. Then add in the former "players" (guys who couldn't cut it at tOSU) who threw out their stories and a few guys who had their stories twisted into what was needed....it all equals a major smear campaign.

Right now, the USC guys are sticking to their guns...
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Bush and Jarrett both received improper benefits if what is being said is true.

Bush did not, HIS PARENTS did which is still a violation. Jarrett also received improper benefits but that has NOTHING to do with the university itself. I dont think USC was involved, condoned or knew about what was going on. USC is LA Bush's parents lived in San Deigo. Thats like saying JT should know what some players parents are doing in Cleveland or Cinncinatti.

Caroll at worst should have done a better job monitoring but again, I dont see any institutional control issues here.
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Exactly right, Grad!!

If Reggie, Dwayne, Leinart, or any of the other guys mentioned in these stories was selling out Carroll and the program then this would be WAAYY more out of control.

Clarett is responsible for the damage done to Ohio State throughout that whole fiasco. ESPIN was just his national microphone. Now, ESPIN went above and beyond, IMO and that is what rankles me to this day.

It seems that ESPIN is sticking strictly with the facts on this one. Will that last? Who knows. I don't think we've seen any opinion pieces on this one yet.

I also saw a poster that said that our shitstorm happened while football season was going on so that peaked interest/ratings in the story?!?!?!?! The Clarett saga began in the spring of 03. It carried on over the summer and throughout the 03 season and into 04. It died down a little, but Clarett was constantly in the news. Then the Troy Smith thing happened at the end of the 04 season and it was all brought back up, culminating in the hatchet job that was the 05 Alamo Bowl. Clarett was the catalyst, but espin took it and ran with it in a way that I've never seen before.
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rob, there are rumblings that more players are involved (ie Justice). (not detailed in this article)

Bush matter vexes BCS <!--startclickprintexclude--><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="25" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td><!--endclickprintexclude-->Updated 5/2/2006 2:20 AM ET<!--startclickprintexclude--></td> <td align="right"><!-- EdSysObj ID="SSI-B" FRAGMENTID="13417811" mnguyen --> E-mail | Save | Print | <script language="JavaScript"> var tempshowReprintSSI = ""; if(window.showReprintSSI) { tempshowReprintSSI = showReprintSSI; } if ((navigator.os.indexOf("Mac")==1) && (navigator.type==2)) { // macIE if((document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "0") || (document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value=="2")) { if(document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "2"){ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "0"; } else{ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "1"; } if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } else { document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "2"; } } else {// non macIE - write top and bottom if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } function writeReprintLink(){ document.write('Reprints | '); } function writeSubscribeToLink(){ var url = document.location.toString(); var urlArray = url.split("/") var nurl = ""; for (i = 3; i < urlArray.length - 1; i++) { if(i<urlArray.length-2){ nurl += urlArray + "|"; } else { nurl += urlArray; } } document.write('Subscribe to stories like this '); } </script>Reprints | Subscribe to stories like this <!-- /EdSysObj --> </td></tr> </tbody></table> <table style="float: left;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="245"> <tbody><tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td colspan="2"></td><td rowspan="3" valign="top" width="20">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="vaLink" height="18" width="80"> Enlarge</td> <td class="photoCredit" align="right" width="165">By Julie Jacobson, AP</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="1">
</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="photoCredit">Denise and LaMar Griffin, Reggie Bush's parents, are alleged to have taken $100,000 from a sports marketing company that hoped to represent the former USC tailback. Bush went on to sign with a different company.</td> </tr> </tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>
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Unsteady times at USC: Carroll stands behind program, 'not worried' about sanctions</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">
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</td><td class="vaLink" valign="top" width="228">Potential for tainted titles vexes BCS</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" height="20">
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</td></tr></tbody></table> <!-- EdSysObj ID="SandboxLede" FRAGMENTID="13535467" sleahy --><script language="javascript">swapContent('firstHeader','applyHeader');</script><!--endclickprintexclude-->By Steve Wieberg, USA TODAY
Amid conference and NCAA investigations into alleged cash payments to the family of former Southern California star Reggie Bush, college football's Bowl Championship Series will begin discussing in June whether — and how — to strip teams of BCS national championships that turn out to be tainted.
"It's not something the BCS was designed to do," Southeastern Conference Commissioner and BCS coordinator Mike Slive said Monday. "What we would do is sit down and begin to think about these issues in the event something was to come up.
"What results from that discussion is another matter. This requires a good deal of thought."
Slive and other BCS officials will meet in late June while in Half Moon Bay, Calif., for meetings of league commissioners from across the country.
Forcing their attention to the issue are questions about Bush's eligibility while he helped lead USC to an undefeated regular season in 2005 and the national championship game, a loss to Texas.
Potentially raising the stakes: An attorney's reference in a letter cited by The San Diego Union-Tribune that the "matter was ongoing" in 2004, when the Trojans went 13-0 en route to their second national title in as many years.
Among the potential rules violations is $100,000 allegedly given Bush's parents by investors in a sports marketing company that hoped to represent the Heisman Trophy winner, according to the San Diego newspaper, quoting a letter from the investors' attorney.
Also at issue is a house, owned by one of the investors, in which the parents lived for a year.
Bush didn't sign with the marketing company, which is seeking reimbursement. The attorney, Brian Watkins, claims the Bush family "defrauded" the investors out of approximately $300,000, enticing them with the eventual No. 2 draft pick's future NFL earnings.
The Pacific-10 Conference and NCAA have begun investigations. If violations are found, either or both could rule Bush was technically ineligible and the Trojans subject to penalties for using him.
Teams in that situation can be ordered to forfeit games, and the Pac-10 could order USC to forfeit its conference championship. But neither the NCAA nor an individual league has jurisdiction over the major-college postseason, which is largely run by all 11 conferences. And the BCS has no enforcement provisions.
Said Pac-10 Commissioner Tom Hansen, "We'll have to address it."
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