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NCAA punishes USC - Reggie Bush, OJ Mayo, Dwayne Jarrett, Joe McKnight investigation

Nothing today?

USC says it has not received notice from NCAA about annoucement in Bush case

As of Thursday afternoon, Southern California was still waiting to hear from the NCAA on when an infractions committee decision will be announced, meaning almost certainly nothing will happen this week.

The NCAA typically notifies schools 48 hours in advance of an infractions announcement and then delivers the committee report 24 hours ahead of time, according to NCAA spokeswoman Stacey Osburn. She would not speak directly to the USC case.

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Husky Football Blog | NCAA releases APR reports today, USC tomorrow? | Seattle Times Newspaper

NCAA releases APR reports today, USC tomorrow?

Posted by Bob Condotta

Once again, rumors making the rounds via ESPN that USC has "learned its fate" and that the report and any penalties will be known tomorrow.

There's been about five previous such reports, it seems, so we'll obviously have to wait and see. But it is standard operating procedure to give the school 24 hours or so notice, then release it to the public...


More sources are saying USC knows its fate and the NCAA releases its report tomorrow. about 3 hours ago via TweetCaster
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