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NCAA Instant Replay Discussion

Big Ten games will have replay in HD for 2010.


PITTSBURGH - DVSport, Inc., the leader in state-of-the-art high definition (HD) sports replay technology, announced today its new contract with the Big Ten Conference to upgrade all DVSport Standard Definition (SD) replay systems in the Big Ten to DVSport HD ReplayTM systems for the start of the 2010 football season. As part of the agreement, DVSport will also provide its SD replay systems to the Mid-American Conference (MAC).

"We feel fortunate to partner with a group of individuals who were not only instant replay pioneers, but who continue to focus on the best interest of the coaches, players, and fans," said Brian Lowe, President and CEO of DVSport. "Our replay solution provides superior HD picture quality to assist officials in their pursuit of objective and efficient replay decisions. Since today the Big Ten broadcasts almost exclusively in HD through the Big Ten Network and their broadcast partners, this is a perfect time to upgrade their officiating technology."

The Big Ten was the first collegiate conference to implement instant replay in 2004, and it continues to set the highest standards for its officials as video quality transitions from SD to HD broadcast quality standards.

"We are excited to announce an extension with DVSport to upgrade our football instant replay system with high-definition technology beginning with the 2010 season," said Big Ten Commissioner James E. Delany. "The Big Ten was the first conference to experiment with instant replay in college football, and we feel the use of high-definition video will enhance our officiating program for the future. DVSport has been a terrific partner and we look forward to continued service and support as we upgrade to the high-definition instant replay system."

The objective of any replay system is to establish indisputable video evidence that will allow the replay official to confirm or overturn the call on the field. The quality of DVSport's new technology was reviewed and praised by Big Ten officials at a recent national instant replay conference in Kansas City in March.

"DVSport's innovative HD Replay solution enhances the officials' review process for each and every play. The difference in video clarity is exactly what you would expect to see when you upgrade to HD," said Bill Carollo, Coordinator of Big Ten Officials and a former National Football League referee.

Cont'd ...
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Another great 11W (Ramzy Nasrallah) article:

Just sayin': I think the instant replay review is a good thing; they correct far more more officiating errors than instances that they make the incorrect calls. The official in the press box doing the actual review should be one of the conference's best though.
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Another great 11W (Ramzy Nasrallah) article:

Just sayin': I think the instant replay review is a good thing; they correct far more more officiating errors than instances that they make the incorrect calls. The official in the press box doing the actual review should be one of the conference's best though.

Disagree based on anecdotal evidence.
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I don't know, I don't think anybody here should have a problem with replay review. It's not a review ever cost the Bucks points taken off the board, or a game or anything like that, right? RIGHT?

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