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NCAA Instant Replay Discussion

Still not a fan


According to Carroll, who was citing a report he received from the Pac-10 today, referee Brian O’Cain of the Pac-10 went over to the Big East replay official on the sideline and was told that of the two views the replay booth had, neither was conclusive. The instant replay crew asked NBC for other angles, but they were told none existed.

Right after O’Cain left the headset, the replay booth received a third view that conclusively showed the pass was incomplete. The replay officials decided to not page the on-field officials because, according to Carroll, they thought it was a “non-impact call.”
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Right after O?Cain left the headset, the replay booth received a third view that conclusively showed the pass was incomplete. The replay officials decided to not page the on-field officials because, according to Carroll, they thought it was a ?non-impact call.?

That's a fault of the replay crew, not the replay system...
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It was fashionable this week to bash the on-field refs for missing the fair catch call in the Louisvlile-UConn game last week (and rightly so). They mention that it incorrectly allowed UConn to tie the game 7-7, and although the 'Ville went up 17-7 before losing the game, the blown call was critical.

Nobody's mentioning the apparent muffed punt by Louisville after that play, where replays seemed to show that a 'Ville return man's arm hit the ball first, which was then recovered by UConn on the 'Ville 1-yard line. Although the announcers saw it and talked about it immediately, the play wasn't officially reviewed (which made no sense). So it seemed to me that the bad calls/use of replay evened out in that game.

But now there's an outcry for the replay booth to be able to correct more obvious errors, like the fair catch signal. Or the 6-men on the line non-penalty on a play that LSU got a TD against Auburn on.
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HailToMichigan;971345; said:
That's like saying the refs are part of the penalty enforcement system. When the refs screw up, you reprimand the refs, you don't alter the system.

MililaniBuckeye;971344; said:
Not really...they implement the system, but they are not part of the system.

However you want to define it, the replay system is useless if they are not performing well. And this is not an isolated incident. And this is not the only screwup. Plays are supposed to be overturned ONLY if there is clear and undeniable video evidence. And yet we've all seen dozens of cases where they have been overturned for less (even going from right-to-wrong). And we've seen obvious cases not be overturned.

Also consider this: the replay system is supposed to be self-initiating. Every play is supposed to be reviewed. And yet look at what we have here. Play happens. Coach challenges. After several minutes, the replay booth says inconclusive. Only after that does a third angle come in.

How is every play being reviewed if it takes five minutes to get three angles? And how is it taking five minutes to get all the angles? The networks know what cameras they have out there.

I won't even bring up the fact that the replay system broke during a national championship game.:biggrin: Or the conflict of interest between networks providing angles that might hurt the teams they have contracts with.
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methomps;971361; said:
However you want to define it, the replay system is useless if they are not performing well. And this is not an isolated incident. And this is not the only screwup. Plays are supposed to be overturned ONLY if there is clear and undeniable video evidence. And yet we've all seen dozens of cases where they have been overturned for less (even going from right-to-wrong). And we've seen obvious cases not be overturned.

Also consider this: the replay system is supposed to be self-initiating. Every play is supposed to be reviewed. And yet look at what we have here. Play happens. Coach challenges. After several minutes, the replay booth says inconclusive. Only after that does a third angle come in.

How is every play being reviewed if it takes five minutes to get three angles? And how is it taking five minutes to get all the angles? The networks know what cameras they have out there.

I won't even bring up the fact that the replay system broke during a national championship game.:biggrin: Or the conflict of interest between networks providing angles that might hurt the teams they have contracts with.
Absolutely Right, If the replay officials and ref dont do well the system is bad.
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I think the funniest example I've seen comes from last year's USC/Oregon game. Oregon player goes up for a touchdown and SC challenges whether he caught the ball inbounds. After a long review, the replay booth reverses the call. Then, Bellotti challenges the reversal. After another long review, they reverse the reversal.

Indisputable evidence both ways? :lol: Oh, and that replay took 15-20 minutes. Football is a game of momentum.

Replay also has the unfortunate effect of influencing calls on the field. Do I rule it a fumble or down by contact? I'm not sure. I kinda think it was down by contact. But if I call down by contact, the play isn't reviewable. If I call fumble, then I screw the offense if there isn't an angle that shows down by contact. Oh well.
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methomps;971361; said:
However you want to define it, the replay system is useless if they are not performing well.
How so? The only way the replay system can possibly be a detriment is if a correct call is overturned, which, if it had ever happened, we'd definitely know. It'd be all over ESPN. So the only plausible result of replay is either neutral with no effect on the game, or a benefit with an incorrect call being overturned.

I've got no doubt that the system could stand to be tweaked. But with almost zero chance of overturning a correct call, replay can only be a plus.
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