got the game right around the time it came out and I'm sure this has been said plenty... here goes anyways
I'm sick and tired of getting balls batted down/INT'd by people in the front 7. My offensive Line no matter who I play with is like a sieve while I cannot get any pressure from my own defensive line. I find it tough to pass and fairly easy to run but I've always been an excellent runner with limited skills passing wise. Recruiting is TOUGH and I suppose it's better than getting everyone possible.
However I have a new found HATE for Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, WVU, ND, and Cincy because they tend to be the ones going for the same recruits. What really pisses me off is the comparison thing. Lets say I have an A+ for tradition and WVU has B, well if it gets me 70 points and minuses them 30 I'd tend to think I would end up getting that recruit. However, somehow even though I'd get 500+ points and I dropped WVU around 120 I'm still either barely in the lead or made up hardly NO ground. If i'm going to put the effort into recruiting people individually then the comparison factor has to hold much more merit.
My biggest thing that pisses me off is the fact that Terrelle is still getting caught running outside by defensive lineman for either sacks or trying to avoid sacks. Even if I have a created recruit QB with 99 speed the defensive end is almost impossible to outrun to the edge. However, if you have a created back (I created Beanie one year during Dynasty) he's unstoppable if you put his running on aggressive.