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PS3 NCAA 14 (PS3) 6th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

It's really hard to play this game after playing Madden. Madden is just so much better. I've actually thrown the ball to a WR running a post route that didn't result in an interception. Crazy, I know.

With recruiting being pretty much broken for online dynasties, I was thinking of what to do after this season is over. A few years ago, Iron ran a dynasty that was open to any and all teams, but all user teams were in one Super Conference. I liked having all teams be available, but I wasn't a huge fan of every user in the same conference. The games were fun, but it just took forever. Advances just don't happen that often when there are user v. user games to be played.

So my thinking is this. After this season, we can do one of the following:

1) Keep this dynasty going as is. No changes.
2) Keep this dynasty going but allow the coaching carousel. If you don't like your team, take a new job. If you like your team, turn down the offer.
3) Start over from scratch and open up the team selection to each and every team. I'll take Iron's idea and use my commish powers to be Ohio State, but everyone else can be anybody.
4) We can also start over from scratch as 1* teams. Since this is the last NCAA for a couple years at best, building up teams could be fun. It was fun in the old ODs, but I'm worried how recruiting will work. I loved it when I got my first 5* recruit to come to West Chester (An ATH who turned out to be a demon as both a FS and WR). Unfortunately, I think the norm will be single-digit recruiting classes, making it really difficult to build a program.

Anyway, I'm open to thoughts and ideas. I know I'm really disappointed in how recruiting works in this online dynasty, and I know MD is as well. Mike seems to kick its ass, though.
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I down to keep it the same for at least another year... Idk if u guys have tired this but when we where in the off-season I switch all my coaches points to the recruiting side. I was a leave 21 and I filled up almost my whole recruiting tree and I think it help big time. This year have a lot more recruits having interest in me and right now I'm in battle with 12 recruits who range from 77 to 81 ovr and last year I only had one guy who had me in there top 3 with a ovr over 74 and I somehow got lucky in the offseason and stole him. But as long as I win some of these battles this year I'm down to keep it the same

The only bad part I see about having all my coaching points go to recruiting is your game management takes a little hit like when I run the fast pace offense my Qb always takes his time to snap the ball
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damn, SDSU with 2 five star QB commits? Who's got the cheat code now? :lol:
Too bad I have glaring needs elsewhere. One is an ATH that will be somewhere else for sure.

I am a level 18 now, and every single upgrade has been recruiting.it helps, but I'm still going to have a small class. I will say that I have had some luck this season finally getting some gems. The first year I didn't have any, but I've found several 3* 75+ guys. Haven't own them all, but that's promising.
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It's really hard to play this game after playing Madden. Madden is just so much better. I've actually thrown the ball to a WR running a post route that didn't result in an interception. Crazy, I know.

With recruiting being pretty much broken for online dynasties, I was thinking of what to do after this season is over. A few years ago, Iron ran a dynasty that was open to any and all teams, but all user teams were in one Super Conference. I liked having all teams be available, but I wasn't a huge fan of every user in the same conference. The games were fun, but it just took forever. Advances just don't happen that often when there are user v. user games to be played.

So my thinking is this. After this season, we can do one of the following:

1) Keep this dynasty going as is. No changes.
2) Keep this dynasty going but allow the coaching carousel. If you don't like your team, take a new job. If you like your team, turn down the offer.
3) Start over from scratch and open up the team selection to each and every team. I'll take Iron's idea and use my commish powers to be Ohio State, but everyone else can be anybody.
4) We can also start over from scratch as 1* teams. Since this is the last NCAA for a couple years at best, building up teams could be fun. It was fun in the old ODs, but I'm worried how recruiting will work. I loved it when I got my first 5* recruit to come to West Chester (An ATH who turned out to be a demon as both a FS and WR). Unfortunately, I think the norm will be single-digit recruiting classes, making it really difficult to build a program.

Anyway, I'm open to thoughts and ideas. I know I'm really disappointed in how recruiting works in this online dynasty, and I know MD is as well. Mike seems to kick its ass, though.

Was thinking about this last night. Option 4 might be the best, provided we're not in major conferences. Our teams would be shit to start, but as long as we're playing other shit teams, it won't make a huge difference lol. Everyone start off with creating a coach & we'll all start with the same coach points.
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I'm calling Army.

Advanced to Week 15. I'm the only one with a game, and I'm going to play it tonight.

=============== #3 Baylor Bears (10-1) ===============
Last week, Baylor won 42-35 against West Virginia (4-7).
This week, the Bears will host Kansas (2-9).
In recruiting news, the following Baylor targets have announced their decisions:
- (**) LE Chris Hayward has committed to Baylor
- (***) FS Cameron Fitzpatrick has committed to Louisiana Tech
- (***) CB Cole Stephens has committed to Mississippi State

=============== #10 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (9-3) ===============
Last week, Georgia Tech won 42-21 against Georgia (6-6).
This week, the Yellow Jackets are idle.
In recruiting news, the following Georgia Tech targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) QB Pete Hall has committed to Michigan State
- (***) RE Nathan Johnson has committed to Georgia Tech
- (**) TE Randall Hall has committed to Oregon
- (**) MLB Steve Fowler has committed to Tennessee

=============== #4 Michigan State Spartans (11-1) ===============
Last week, Michigan State won 77-0 against Minnesota (5-7).
This week, the Spartans are idle.
In recruiting news, the following Michigan State targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) QB Pete Hall has committed to Michigan State
- (***) K Nate Montgomery has committed to Ole Miss

=============== #7 Ole Miss Rebels (10-2) ===============
Last week, Ole Miss won 94-28 against Mississippi State (7-5).
This week, the Rebels are idle.
In recruiting news, the following Ole Miss targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) K Nate Montgomery has committed to Ole Miss

=============== #2 San Diego State Aztecs (12-0) ===============
Last week, San Diego State won 76-7 against UNLV (3-9).
This week, the Aztecs are idle.
In recruiting news, the following San Diego State targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) ROLB John Ralph has committed to Fresno State
- (*) DT Nate Concepcion has committed to Washington State
- (*) TE Jacques McDaniel has committed to Fresno State
- (*) CB Johnny Davis has committed to San Diego State
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