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PS3 NCAA 14 (PS3) 6th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

I would like to point out the ridiculousness of Ole Miss scoring 94 points. What the hell? I can't get the other team off the field enough times to get that many possessions in a game. Sheesh.

I don't even know the 1 star teams. Should be interesting to peruse.
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I would like to point out the ridiculousness of Ole Miss scoring 94 points. What the hell? I can't get the other team off the field enough times to get that many possessions in a game. Sheesh.

I don't even know the 1 star teams. Should be interesting to peruse.

My D has FINALLY shown up. Multiple short fields & a pick 6 will lead to 94 points lol. And I may have broke in to the 90s as time expired :pimp:
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It's not a done deal that we're switching, but it sure is looking that way. I was going to ask for everybody's final opinion after the season. Is anyone against switching?

I'll advance once fanatic's done recruiting.
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