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PS3 NCAA 14 (PS3) 6th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

Advanced to Week 10. No user v. user games.

=============== #8 Baylor Bears (5-1) ===============
Last week, Baylor won 59-24 against Oklahoma State (3-3).
This week, the Bears by safesaver">travel to Ames to face the Iowa State Cyclones (3-3).
In recruiting news, the following Baylor targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) WR Kyle Kirby has committed to Tulsa
- (***) RE Jordan Howard has committed to Texas Tech
- (***) RE Randy McDonald has committed to Baylor
- (***) RG Nathan Dudley has committed to Baylor
- (****) HB Will Williams has committed to Kansas State

=============== #22 Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (4-3) ===============
Last week, Georgia Tech won 49-32 against North Carolina (4-3).
This week, the Yellow Jackets will host Duke (5-2).
In recruiting news, the following Georgia Tech targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) RG Justin Ward has committed to Georgia Tech
- (****) DT Gerald Williams has committed to Georgia Tech
- (***) DT Andrew Griffin has committed to Georgia Tech
- (****) CB Billy Tidwell has committed to Georgia Tech
- (***) LT Fred Wright has committed to Georgia Tech

=============== #6 Michigan State Spartans (7-1) ===============
Last week, Michigan State won 31-17 against Indiana (4-4).
This week, the Spartans by safesaver">travel to Ann Arbor to face the #14 Michigan Wolverines (5-2).
In recruiting news, the following Michigan State targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) CB Jeff Landry has committed to Indiana

=============== #12 Ole Miss Rebels (6-2) ===============
Last week, Ole Miss won 56-13 against Arkansas (4-3).
This week, the Rebels will host Pittsburgh (0-7).

=============== #5 San Diego State Aztecs (8-0) ===============
Last week, San Diego State won 42-32 against Boise State (5-2).
This week, the Aztecs by safesaver">travel to Reno to face the Nevada Wolf Pack (2-5).
In recruiting news, the following San Diego State targets have announced their decisions:
- (*) SS Ryan Johnson has committed to Arizona State
- (****) WR Brent Grant has committed to San Diego State
- (***) DT Daniel Bell has committed to Utah
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In recruiting news, the following Georgia Tech targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) RG Justin Ward has committed to Georgia Tech
- (****) DT Gerald Williams has committed to Georgia Tech
- (***) DT Andrew Griffin has committed to Georgia Tech
- (****) CB Billy Tidwell has committed to Georgia Tech
- (***) LT Fred Wright has committed to Georgia Tech

Where do you get your cheat codes?
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:lol: It's about the only thing I do well

Think it actually has to do with your coaching 'level'. Think you're in the 20s, compared to the rest of us in the teens. @Smooth Olaf is there anyway to disable or edit that setting? Otherwise, recruiting is pointless when the rest of us are landing nothing but duds lol
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