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PS3 NCAA 14 (PS3) 6th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

Just an FYI: The game marks your recruiting as ready once the hours are maxed. Even if you still have visits to schedule, the game will still mark you as Ready to Advance. I can only go off that. So if you have the green dot next to your name, but you know you're still not done with your recruits, it's on you to let me know. I advance once those green dots are there. Or, in fanatic's case, once his recruiting hours are at 0. He never gets that green dot for some reason.
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Hell of a game Mike. We alternated quarters shitting the bed & you almost pulled it out lol. Big plays & turnovers were the theme.
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I am a turnover machine in this game. at least 11 turnovers in the last 2 games. MD jumped out to a 21-0 1st quarter lead. I managed to trim it to 21-17 at the half. But then disaster struck again in the third and he was up several TD's.

His game plan was flawless. Throw it to Treadwell and watch the magic happen. That guy is uncoverable.

Then I took over in the 4th and pitched a comeback, as well as successfully recovering an onside kick, which I'm pretty sure is the first time that's ever happened in this game. I was in shock.

and I also got lucky that MD had a pick 6 called back for roughing the passer :lol:

Thank God the user games are over. I'm a collective 0-6 now in these games.
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Advanced to Week 5. Unless I'm mistaken, all user v. user games are done until Bowl Week.

=============== #14 Baylor Bears (2-1) ===============
Last week, Baylor lost 45-42 against San Diego State (3-0).
This week, the Bears are idle.

=============== Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (0-3) ===============
Last week, Georgia Tech lost 45-37 against Ole Miss (2-2).
This week, the Yellow Jackets will host Virginia (0-2).

=============== #4 Michigan State Spartans (2-1) ===============
Last week the Spartans were idle.
This week, the Spartans will host Eastern Michigan (1-1).

=============== #19 Ole Miss Rebels (2-2) ===============
Last week, Ole Miss won 45-37 against Georgia Tech (0-3).
This week, the Rebels travel to Tuscaloosa to face the #2 Alabama Crimson Tide (3-0).

=============== #7 San Diego State Aztecs (3-0) ===============
Last week, San Diego State won 45-42 against Baylor (2-1).
This week, the Aztecs travel to Fresno to face the Fresno State Bulldogs (0-3).
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nice. I went to high school with a couple guys who are now Columbus firemen. I totally respect that profession and what you guys do. I thought about joining at one point, but life took me in a different direction.

Is Backdraft your favorite movie of all time? :lol:
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nice. I went to high school with a couple guys who are now Columbus firemen. I totally respect that profession and what you guys do. I thought about joining at one point, but life took me in a different direction.

Is Backdraft your favorite movie of all time? :lol:
Nice. Backdraft is a classic but far from my favorite movie lol. Very unrealistic lol.
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