I'm sorry, but anyone who does not understand the appeal of driving a car 200 mph, you frankly will never understand. I don't care if you don't want to label drivers or golfers or whatever "athletes". It's not important to me. There is a lot of skill displayed by these people and if you would ever like me to take you to 140 mph in my mustang, you'll understand what kind of nerve it takes to top 200.
Now for the stereotypes. You can find those exact same stereotypes anywhere you want to look for them. North, south, east and west. That is more your problem and frankly by stating NASCAR fans are toothless whatevers makes you sound pretty fucking stupid. No dings from me, but if you want to start throwing out generalities about a certain segment of the population because they are from the south or they are NASCAR fans, you yourself are the exact same thing as a rascist, your focus of hatred just has a different target. So fuck off.