Don't Immanentize the Eschaton
MistriBuck said:that's actually a very un-informed statement, because if you know the history of Donny he showed up on Bucknuts a long time ago as an Alabama fan (why? i really don't know)...........and he actually "converted" to a Bucks fan, thus the moniker, "tidebuck".........he isn't a fabricated personality, and these conspiracy theories are pretty silly if you ask me.............lastly, do you even consider the impact of your words? by stating your "theory" that he is a made up personality, when in fact he's not, think about what you just said to the guy
Wow, someone sure is being defensive about this whole issue. Perhaps it is time to turn our conspiratorial gaze on MistriBuck. Perhaps he is Donny's fourth personality on these boards. After all, why defend a message board stranger with such passion.wow, thanks for the laugh............this statement coming from the guy with a bazillion posts on this board, and who's entire persona, and ego are wrapped up in a message board