A-Rod has pulled down over $350M in earnings over his career. Factor in his gains on real estate, investments, and endorsements and he's probably worth over half a billion.
So my question is: How fucking dumb does he have to be to trust what was left of his tattered credibility to some shady schmoe that's running his business out of a suite at a repurposed Comfort Inn?
YOU ARE FUCKING ALEX RODRIGUEZ. If you're going to dabble in the roids pay several million to hire your own personal mad scientist to cook your cocktails and tell him you'll have him shot and dumped off a yacht in South Beach if he rats you out.
Note to professional athletes with hundreds of millions to burn: Don't put your first ballot HoF career in the hands of whack jobs with nothing to lose that run "laboratories" from strip malls.
So my question is: How fucking dumb does he have to be to trust what was left of his tattered credibility to some shady schmoe that's running his business out of a suite at a repurposed Comfort Inn?
YOU ARE FUCKING ALEX RODRIGUEZ. If you're going to dabble in the roids pay several million to hire your own personal mad scientist to cook your cocktails and tell him you'll have him shot and dumped off a yacht in South Beach if he rats you out.
Note to professional athletes with hundreds of millions to burn: Don't put your first ballot HoF career in the hands of whack jobs with nothing to lose that run "laboratories" from strip malls.