Since this does not fall under rule 9.01 (c)- Each umpire has authority to rule on any point not specifically covered in these rules or 9.02 (a and b)They did protest, vehemently. The umps even reviewed it. Problem is all they can review is if it hit him. They aren't allowed to change it to a strike, which seems kind of dumb with the replay review.
Home plate ump admitted after the game that he blew the call.
Any umpire's decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions.
(a) Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. They should be warned if they start for the plate to protest the call. If they continue, they will be ejected from the game.
The Marlins actually SHOULD have filed a protest with the league office right then and there.
Rule 5.05 (b)
Per baseball official rule 5.05(b), a batter becomes a baserunner and is awarded first base when he or his equipment (except for his bat):
- is touched by a pitched ball outside the strike zone,
- and he attempts to avoid it (or had no opportunity to avoid it),
- and he did not swing at the pitch.[1]
If the batter does not attempt to avoid the pitch, he is not awarded first base, and the pitch is ruled either a strike if in the strike zone or a ball if out of the strike zone