Now, I don't remember anyone jumping into Mirror Lake but...
The following is a true story:
Thursday night Nov. 18, 1982 before "The Game."
I was living in Bradley Hall on South Campus but at around 10 PM I was in Stradley Hall when a pep-band version of TBDBITL started playing in the parking lot between Siebert and Stradley. They were hoping to get followers as they marched around campus. I ran down and joined some friends that they grabbed from Bradley and the band led us up 12th Ave. towards High Street getting as many followers as possible. The crowd grew as we passed Baker and Steeb. The Columbus Police had threatened a "Blue Flu" the next day on Friday so the band didn't expect any problems. So, when they reached High Street the band marched onto the street and started North towards 15th Ave. At first we were marching in the North Bound lane but motorist were still driving South. The Columbus Police blocked off High at 9th Ave. As we proceeded North we began to spread into the South Bound lane when just before reaching Hagerty Hall a brand new Cadillac Eldorado with Michigan plates tried to pull passed us and 4 "idiots" inside wearing business suits yelled "Ohio State Sucks!!" Now, let me paint the picture. It is 1982 and Cbus at the time was a "Cow Town." So, everyone male and female for the most part wore cowboy boots. Got the picture? Anyway, the angered crowd ran over and began punching the "idiot" driver as he tried to get his window up. Others were kicking and punching the car as he tried to escpape(myself included ofcourse). Finally he drove onto the sidewalk. Now, anyone who has been on the Campus side of High Street knows the sidewalks are very wide but also the curb is higher than most. Picking up speed he began dragging some people as they tried to overturn his now less than shiny new Cadillac. As he attempted to get back on the street the "high" curb grabbed his exhaust system and ripped it out from underneath leaving it laying in the South bound lane.

The cheers were as loud as they are on Saturday at the Shoe. We continued North now in both lanes and the police had blocked off High at Lane Ave. There was traffic backed up at both ends now for as far as you could see. When the band reached 15th and High they turned right and headed up Sorority row. The "pep band" managed to get many of these greek women out of their houses in their night gowns to join the mob in a huge circle and kick line as they played "Hang On Sloopy" right in the middle of the street at 15th and High. After they played "Buckeye Battle Cry" they marched off to the Oval and out of sight. My friends and I proceeded back to Bradley but on the way we threw a friend into Mirror Lake because it was his birthday. He was a little intoxicated and since Mirror Lake isn't very deap he hit his head and came up bleeding and had a knot on his forehead. When we got back to Bradley we broke out some Vodka woke up some other friends and made Strawberry Daquiris until 4:30 AM. Needless to say I didn't make it to any classes on Friday. But, it was well worth it. The Columbus Police did not strike and on Saturday the Bucks rolled to victory 24-14. A memory that will never be forgotten...