Yeah, sadly this is going about how I expected it to. I am pretty amazed there have been a couple articles defending Gundy, but otherwise, no shocker. The Media is pretty much destroying this guy and odds are when this is all said and done he will regret that outburst, when Oklahoma State loses they will be all over him, especially if he loses Saturday, then they will turn this around and bite him with it. "The distraction was the reason for the loss."
ESPiN had a poll on what people thought if it, and 85% approved, yet Herbie still stood there and defended this bitch. Maybe he did go a little overboard, maybe not, either way it's getting way too much attention. Jenni Carlson gets a spot on Good Morning America to tell her side of the story? Utter bullshit, she puts out an article that most real journalists would cringe over, but instead of being bashed for publishing rumors and blog comments as facts she's turned into this victim.
Please put her on a chopper and have her follow around some high speed chases, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.