1991 -- page 31 of the Defense Department's annual report to the president and Congress last year, Sawyer Air Force Base (located in
Michigan) is shown in Wisconsin, and the upper peninsula of
Michigan is shown as belonging to Canada.
Other reasons people don't like meatchicken:
Isn't this fitting. :)
And in Jackson,
Mich., in February veterinarian Timothy England fitted a stray rooster with artificial legs after he had to amputate his natural ones because of frostbite.
1996 -- In March, in Clawson,
Mich., and in January, in Federal Way, Wash., parents mistakenly packed cans of Bud Ice beer in their elementary schoolchildren's lunchboxes. They said they confused the Bud Ice with a Hawaiian Punch can (Clawson) and a holiday can of Pepsi (Federal Way).
1993 -- A 36-year-old man in Chesterfield Township,
Mich., was charged in January with assault and battery after brandishing a rifle and barricading himself in his home with his wife and son and a family friend. Police said the incident started when the son, age 10, became flatulent while watching TV in the home. The father got angry at the boy, and then at the wife and friend, respectively, when they defended the boy.
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