Haven't seen this on here yet:
eBay Ticket Seller Under Investigation is Now Missing
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>var wn_last_ed_date = getLEDate("Nov18,2005,6:27 AM EST"); document.write(wn_last_ed_date);</SCRIPT>Nov 18, 2005, 05:27 AM EST <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=470 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle width=20>

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FOSTORIA -- A Fostoria man under investigation in a possible eBay ticket scheme is now missing. Fostoria police say the wife of Mark West has filed a missing person report, saying she hasn't seen him since Tuesday.
At least 70 people say they bought tickets to Saturday's Ohio State/Michigan football game on eBay from West. Some bought them as far back as June. In a story first broadcast on WTOL News 11 on November 14, many told us they feel they've been ripped off. "The tickets were $799 plus $15 for shipping, so $814 is what I put on my credit card," said Greg Boring. He bought four tickets, and still hasn't seen them.
Boring, like many other ticket buyers, said he was promised the tickets would be mailed to him two weeks in advance. Fostoria Police say at least 70 people have filed complaints. eBay says about 90 people have complained.
"I don't think he's missing. He's just trying to get out of trouble. He knows he did something wrong and he's now on the run," said Charles Owens, who also lives near the Wests.
Teresa West's son-in-law issued a statement Thursday night saying that Mark West sold tickets on eBay for two years. West had a near excellent rating as a seller and had no previous problems. The statement also said Teresa West had no involvement with her husband's eBay business.
Buying event tickets online comes with a risk, according to Rossford ticket broker Dave Brailsford. Brailsford has owned A1seats.com for 16 years, and explained what happens to some large scale online ticket sellers. "They're trying to take your order and get the tickets at a later time at a lower price to make a profit. It's really a speculation. It's like playing the stock market." said Brailsford.
If ticket values of a particular game skyrocket, some online ticket sellers may not be able to deliver the goods. "If the game becomes hotter and hotter, they can't buy the tickets at a price that allows them to make a profit or break even. They might have to buy tickets at a loss. If it's just some guy working out of his house, he might decide to not get the tickets," said Brailsford.
He advises consumers to use credit cards when purchasing online. Credit cards provide recourse if there is a problem with the sale. Brailsford also advises people to be careful with online ticket purchases. Buy only from a well established broker who also has a retail office where clients can meet face to face and pick up tickets in person.
News 11 went to Fostoria last Monday to find West. In the parking lot of West's apartment complex, News 11 ran into one man, who wanted to remain anonymous. The man said he was so upset over his game tickets that he drove from Columbus to Fostoria to question West. "I just kind of knocked on the door and he was very polite, opened the door, and you know I just said I'd like to talk about the ticket thing and after 20 minutes of talking with him I said to myself, wow, this is a very big misunderstanding."
When we did find him, West claimed he had been sending tickets to the buyers. "I've been shipping tickets for weeks now. In fact, I've been shipping tickets for years with no problems and people are going to get their tickets. If their tickets don't arrive, they'll get their money," said Mark West.
West said the tickets were slow coming in, and he said he was out of town visiting family when the complaints on eBay surfaced. On Monday, he said he couldn't even respond to his buyers. "I got on the computer, and eBay has already kicked me off of eBay," said West.
Police say West suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease, and his family says he didn't take his medication with him when he left on Tuesday. That's one thing that makes them suspicious.
Count on News 11 to stay on top of this story as it develops.