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Michigan at NOTRE DAME

jwinslow;603449; said:
a) without beating anyone, ND received ridiculous hype last year (which translated to recruiting).

In JT I trust

jwinslow;603449; said:
b) College Gameday & Sportscenter will be unbearable for months if ND beats both Michigan teams. Disney only knows how to beat something to death... and it will be far worse than SportSCenter last year.

Don't watch em, so I don't care.

jwinslow;603449; said:
c) This may be the last chance to keep them from the title game... unlike everyone else, losing a game (to SC) does not always hurt their ranking.

Like I alluded to, as long as OSU is there, I say bring the domers on.

jwinslow;603449; said:
d) Michigan will be put in their place by Tressel just like every year. We have no shot at ND... and what if OSU happens to stumble along the way?

Can't say I wouldn't appreciate the breathing room, but considering the other points you make, do you honestly believe the hype-laden media would put a 1 loss OSU ahead of a 1 loss ND (assuming, also, that ND's loss comes this week and OSU's later in the year) Don't fool yourself.

jwinslow;603449; said:
e) Even if OSU drills ND, they will still apologize for ND... and say that weis still doesn't have the horses he will have (especially on D, even if they are improved).

Can't bring myself to give a rats ass for who apologizes for ND. I combat idiotic analysis by not watching it. See "b" above.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;603487; said:
In JT I trust
if ND is in the title game... we WILL lose Ohio kids to ND. The sky won't be falling, and JT will continue to excel... but I'd rather he continue to have the lion's share. Michigan's recent decline has cost them many ohio recruits (Wells, Saine). I guess I am hoping UM can deflate the ND hype before the half-season of cupcakes begins... and Weis begins to replace Carr as a poacher of Ohio kids.
Don't watch em, so I don't care.
do you care much about sports outside of OSU? I do, and haven't found a useful alternative to Sportscenter for catching the day's highlights... as much as I despise some of that programming.
Can't say I wouldn't appreciate the breathing room, but considering the other points you make, do you honestly believe the hype-laden media would put a 1 loss OSU ahead of a 1 loss ND (assuming, also, that ND's loss comes this week and OSU's later in the year) Don't fool yourself.
how does this strengthen your argument? I agree ND will get the benefit of the doubt... which is precisely why ND losses are so crucial.
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Obviously, there are lot of reasons to root against Michigan. With respect to this season, another early season defeat will become a catalyst for another mediocre U of M season, and before we worry about dominating anyone else, we must dominate our own conference. Also, I would like to see OSU match against ND in the championship game again, because I believe that we have a better shot of beating ND than anyone other contenders at this point. USC is physical. Auburn is physical. LSU is physical. ND is not physical. And if we manage to beat ND in back to back years, that is something you can hang your hat on when you walk into a living room of a recruit.
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jwinslow;603569; said:
if ND is in the title game... we WILL lose Ohio kids to ND. The sky won't be falling, and JT will continue to excel... but I'd rather he continue to have the lion's share. Michigan's recent decline has cost them many ohio recruits (Wells, Saine). I guess I am hoping UM can deflate the ND hype before the half-season of cupcakes begins... and Weis begins to replace Carr as a poacher of Ohio kids.

Not worried about it. Ohio State has managed to recruit great kids to Ohio State when ND was a National Player before, and they'll do it the next time ND is a legit year in and year out contender. Like it or not, that time is quickly approaching (if not already here). Once again, in Tressel I trust. Will Chuckie grab the occasional Ohio stud? Probably. Such is the world of college football, and it's nothing new. Keeping ND out of the National Championship game this year is hardly going to make a difference in the long term. I'd just as soon they go to the Championship game and get throttled by OSU again.

jwinslow;603569; said:
do you care much about sports outside of OSU? I do, and haven't found a useful alternative to Sportscenter for catching the day's highlights... as much as I despise some of that programming.

Yeah. I do. So, I read the paper and various web pages, not the least of which is this one, listen to 1460 and such. That's not to say I never watch Sportscenter, cause I do (I didn't see you mentioned SC in your original post), just not religiously. I just don't much listen to the commentary, I get my scores and highlights and pretty much block out the rest. Not interested in the talking heads. Don't watch the budweiser hotseat... Don't really care what they have to say. I want to know if Arod hit a HR... who won a race.. who scored how many points etc.. I don't give a rats ass about opinion.

Jwin said:
how does this strengthen your argument? I agree ND will get the benefit of the doubt... which is precisely why ND losses are so crucial.
I was specifically responding to your contention that we need ND to lose in case we lose. Nothing more, nothing less. It seems to me your assumption is ND won't lose at all this year unless it's next week, or maybe to USC. I've been watching college ball for a long time now, Josh, and if there is one thing I've learned (painfully at times) is that the annointed Champion in September is often NOT standing in Janurary.

I guess what I'm saying is, the ND hype, far as I know, is exactly as you describe... I'm not oblivious to it, of course. I just don't see how losing to Michigan is going to make one bit of difference. This isnt do or die, and besides, Michigan State has done a better job with ND recently. MSU's MO is to have 1 KO every year. Maybe they get it done against ND. Whatever the case, I hate ND for a lot of reasons, and I like watching them stink, and I don't buy the hype, and think it's foolish that others do as well. But, I'm not going to get all worked up about it. If they beat Michigan, Ohio State will be just fine. Both this year, and in the future.
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regardless of who wins, the result may benefit ohio state. if michigan wins, the game (i mean: the game) means that much more, especially if michigan wins out. if notre dame wins, it means that a victory over michigan is that much more likely, especially considering that we have a better offense than notre dame.

what it boils down to me, though, is this: a notre dame loss decreases quinn's chances of winning the heisman. yes, there is a lot of football to be played, but only a fool would question smith's position at the top of the short list.

then again, hornung won the heisman with a 2-8 record.
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R0CK3TM4NN;604185; said:
World Hype Bowl 2006. As of now, I think I hate ND more than Michigan. I mean, I atleast have some respect for Michigan. The real vbet should be how long can we go on watching this game before one of us vomits.

One of us? Shit 5 minutes into pregame probably. All of us, maybe a good hour for those of us with Fear Factor stomachs.
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Penn State flat out sucked last week but Notre Dame has not looked strong on defense. TSUN has looked to me to be better than advertised but they haven't played anyone at this level.

I think TSUN can take Notre Dame, if they can establish a running game and give Henne time on pass plays. Breaston and Manningham have to put up their hands and make some big time catches. Line play will be very important for TSUN. The TSUN O-line looked pretty good to me in their first game. The D-Line looked better than last year. But are they good enough?

So, I think Chuckie's ego being what it is, TSUN has a good chance in this one. IVoyd is hungry and has his back to the wall. He knows he is going to lose in Columbus. He needs a big time scalp to save his job, no matter what is said.

I think IVoyd has something special for Notre Dame. I think he will pull out all the stops. Michigan by 3 points. Another almost victory of note for the Domers who will have lost to a "vastly under-rated" TSUN.
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despite the fact that i would love to see TSUN smack the Domers around, M has lost EIGHT consecutive road openers... and i just heard the kiss of death: Skip Bayless said that the Irish couldn't beat TSUN...the only thing worse is if Lee Corso puts on a winged helmet on Gameday... the trend continues; M loses another road opener. if i was still a betting man, i'd bet the farm on ND...
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TheMile;604534; said:
Has there ever been more of a meteor game for you guys?

Actually, I can admit that I root for Michigan in some games throughout the year, especially Bowl Games. I never feel too bad when they lose, but I don't mind seeing them do well (especially the Ohio guys) when facing someone in a national matchup. I never root for Notre Dame or even the Ohio guys that go there (can't explain it). This is easy. I pull for Michigan to win.

Of course, if Michigan does anything well (which they used to do a long time ago...), the media starts trumping them up again, and some biochemical reaction begins taking place....:scum3:
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ESPN's Bruce Feldman continues to rule ...

In today's Detroit News, Mike Hart, the backbone of the Michigan football these days, sounds like he's doing his part charging up the Wolverines for the big game against Notre Dame. Or at least charging up his fellow running backs:

"This is when guys make names for themselves. Guys like (Tim) Biakabutuka, when he played Notre Dame and Ohio State, he always had big games. Tyrone Wheatley, A-Train (Anthony Thomas), Chris Perry, that's where you make your name, in big games. If you don't perform in these big games, then you're just an average back."

Was it just me or did anyone else read those names and think, "Man, those are some NFL busts right there."
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Dryden;605875; said:
ESPN's Bruce Feldman continues to rule ...

In today's Detroit News, Mike Hart, the backbone of the Michigan football these days, sounds like he's doing his part charging up the Wolverines for the big game against Notre Dame. Or at least charging up his fellow running backs:

"This is when guys make names for themselves. Guys like (Tim) Biakabutuka, when he played Notre Dame and Ohio State, he always had big games. Tyrone Wheatley, A-Train (Anthony Thomas), Chris Perry, that's where you make your name, in big games. If you don't perform in these big games, then you're just an average back."

Was it just me or did anyone else read those names and think, "Man, those are some NFL busts right there."


I don't know if I'm as ready to rip into Biakabatuka and Perry as Bruce Feldman. Biakabatuka did put up 300 yards against us on the ground. I'm still trying to forget that game. Biakabatuka's NFL career was cut short by various injuries. He never really had a fair-clean shot to prove himself on the next level. Perry is an NFL bust? Really? He did real good against us in college as well and I think it's too early to call him a bust. Anthony Thomas had some good games against us as well and for a 2nd round pick he's had a decent career. The only back on his list who he named that was a bust was Wheatley.
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