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Michigan at NOTRE DAME

cincibuck;602823; said:
Three or four Times a year I have to say it. This is one of them and a VERY important game for the Big 10 and Ohio State:


I agree that we must cheer for Michigan in this game, but did you have to make it so big? I just threw up in my mouth.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;602850; said:
Frankly, I don't care if ND ends up in the Title game, so long as OSU is there too. What's better than a ND smack down in Arizona? Two ND smackdown's in Arizona.
a) without beating anyone, ND received ridiculous hype last year (which translated to recruiting).

b) College Gameday & Sportscenter will be unbearable for months if ND beats both Michigan teams. Disney only knows how to beat something to death... and it will be far worse than SportSCenter last year.

c) This may be the last chance to keep them from the title game... unlike everyone else, losing a game (to SC) does not always hurt their ranking.

d) Michigan will be put in their place by Tressel just like every year. We have no shot at ND... and what if OSU happens to stumble along the way?

e) Even if OSU drills ND, they will still apologize for ND... and say that weis still doesn't have the horses he will have (especially on D, even if they are improved).
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