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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)


"THE" Ohio State Buckeyes
Michigan at Notre DameSEPTEMBER 16 The Irish looked scary good in ripping Penn State, while Michigan has been less than impressive in its wins. The Wolverines will get up for this one, but ND is just too much for Lloyd Carr's bunch.

Notre Dame 40, Michigan 17

After seeing that I HAD to make a thread.
Sadly, I don't think thats far off. I said last week that I thought ND was gonna throttle scUM. The M*ch*g*n pass defense looks rather pedestrian, so that Irish passing attack will probably slice them up, and new coordinator or not, that scUM offense is still very vanilla. Besides, LLLLoyd Carr is still running things, and he's lost how many straight road openers? Don't see a change this year.
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NFBuck;602496; said:
Sadly, I don't think thats far off. I said last week that I thought ND was gonna throttle scUM. The M*ch*g*n pass defense looks rather pedestrian, so that Irish passing attack will probably slice them up, and new coordinator or not, that scUM offense is still very vanilla. Besides, LLLLoyd Carr is still running things, and he's lost how many straight road openers? Don't see a change this year.

For no other reason Michigan is better than Penn State.

Also, I think Michigan has an advantage on both sides of the line in the trenches......

I think that prediction is a bit excessive.
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These games are very rarely blowouts or lopsided with the exception of that 2003 game. I don't see it being 40-17 for either team. I see this game coming down to a FG or a TD. Michigan's D last season held ND to it's lowest point total and yardage output in 2005, with 17 points and 252 yards respectively, and really one of their touchdowns was one of those luck of the Irish things. On a 3rd down Samardja made a miraculous catch for a touchdown off a tip in the end-zone. Notre Dame's 2006 version of there offense might be better than 2005's, but Michigan's 2006 Defense is better than that 2005 version. Michigan has a big advantage in the trenches here, especially along the defensive line. However, Carr is the head coach at that school which means he's going to go into a shell and play conservative, which will come back to bite him and Notre Dame wins by a touchdown or FG.

Honestly, I don't get why people say Michigan has looked unimpressive. Their offensive and defensive lines have physically just beat down two teams and these games were never in any doubt despite all the drops, missed assignments, and alot of the other errors that you see from teams early on in the season. Michigan hasn't even thrown the ball down the field and have faced 8 and 9 in the box and still have been able to run the ball effectively with their zone blocking scheme.
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ND wasn't that impressive over Penn State.

Yes, Morelli was exposed to be the mediocre QB he always was... The Penn defense was ripped to shreds... by early draft picks, not by an amazing Quinn.

Michigan is a better team.
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ND will take them again this year, maybe by a greater margin. Michigan didn't put the last 7 points on until late in the game last season. I think they may score another TD, maybe two since they have a healthy Hart, but we also have a healthy Rhema McKnight for this game again and a defense that has been keeping decent offenses out of the endzone. It may be close, but either way ND should still take the win. I've been at the last 2 ND/Mich home wins and gonna show up for this one too, so I'll bring a little luck with me :wink2:
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This game is a win/win situation for all us Buckeye fans. Two teams that i know all of us hate are playing. We can only hope by some chance that they both lose but we know that cant happen so im not sure who i want to win. I think I have to go with ND here. I just hate michigan to much.
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Though it gags me to root for Michigan, we play them, not ND. Someone beats ND, that's one less potential unbeaten we have to worry about. Since we can smack scUM in the teeth ourselves, I go with them in this one. And since both teams have legions of arrogant bandwagon fans, it will be less difficult to root for scUM than it would be playing anyone else.
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Having to live with a Michigan fan, nothing would make me happier than to see them play a terrible game so he shuts up. I'm still yet to be really impressed with Quinn though, he bounced two balls off the chests of Penn St. defensivemen this week and consistently overthrows the deeps balls. I am curious to see if Michigan's defense is actually as good as they are hyping it up. I'm going to root for Michigan in this one just so it's that much sweeter when we put them down in the Shoe this year, I do hope they look terrible in the win though.
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ulukinatme;602591; said:
ND will take them again this year, maybe by a greater margin. Michigan didn't put the last 7 points on until late in the game last season. I think they may score another TD, maybe two since they have a healthy Hart, but we also have a healthy Rhema McKnight for this game again and a defense that has been keeping decent offenses out of the endzone. It may be close, but either way ND should still take the win. I've been at the last 2 ND/Mich home wins and gonna show up for this one too, so I'll bring a little luck with me :wink2:

Yeah, you really took it to them:

#20 Notre Dame vs #3 Michigan (Sep 10, 2005 at Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Score by Quarters 1 2 3 4 Score
----------------- -- -- -- -- -----
Notre Dame.......... 7 7 0 3 - 17 Record: (2-0)
Michigan............ 0 3 0 7 - 10 Record: (1-1)

You know why ND won? Chad Henne fumbled a snap at the goal line.
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