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Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

Can't see the game but the Internet page says Brady Quinn is off to a particularly bad start. I want TSUN to stop him big time so Troy Smith ratchets it up a bit in the Heisman race.

And gee I really liked that touchdown pass. Hold on! Weis is a genius. Stay tuned.
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Cheered for Manningham on the bomb. I'm going to need an extra shower at halftime, and probably again after the game. :tongue2:

scUM trying to pound it in after Walker lost a fumble.
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ND is having their hat handed to them by scUM at this point.
Bad execution again on a run back, this time with a penalty.
It is about time that someone (whether Big10 or other) tested the invicibility shield of Weis' media darlings. If the test comes from scUM so be it.

And I still absolutely detest the love-fest tendency of the NBC announcers to hype any great play by ND, then turn around and give lighter credit for an even better play by the opposition. Credibility in broadcasting anyone?

How long before we hear the line about "that missed PAT could be huge"?
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