didn't Clarett just get out of prison?...we haven't been Thug U in about 20 years...and you call us cry babies for whining about the fiesta bowl?..the U under Shanon is now No 3 in all D1 for graduation rate in football programs!!! OSU in not in the top 40....
This game will be decided where all games are decided...in the trenches!!..I don't think you will be able to run wide... but am concerned up your inside running against us...I think will we get pressure from the outside in the passing game.. but not sure how disiplined we will be to stay in our lanes so Pryor doesn't kill us with his feet...I do think our secondary matches up well with your wr's...
Whipple is a good OC so to counter pressure against Harris i expect us to move the pocket as well as a quick passing game... watch for no-huddle used very extensively...honestly don't see us doing much on the ground against you...
ST could be an advantage for us as well... think the game is to close to call... but I gotta go 24-23 Canes!!!