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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

Diego-Bucks;1768503; said:
I noticed that Miami seemed to get away with a number of holds, false starts (which I'd think would be more obvious) and horse collar tackles on some of the Buckeyes' big returns and receptions. I thought Berry was horse collared on his return and Boom on his last big run.

I think it was called pretty even. Miami got the benefit of "the right foot spot" alot in the first quarter, and OSU got it in the fourth. Holding calls are so iffy that's pretty much a wash.

Again, the OSU kick coverage is a huge area of concern. OSU has nobody to blame but themselves for the game being as close as it was.
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Rookie;1768517; said:
One thing I never saw was an Ohio State player tackling a Miami player. I can't say the same thing for Miami, and it happened a bit more than once.

Pretty awful appearance by the refs none the less. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but this crew will be responsible for quite a few injuries in the future. That scares the crap out of me.

Some Officials seriously don't understand the responsibility they have.

As to officiating and this game, no effect.
This game did NOT come down to officiating - just pointing out missed calls on both sides, and the missed horsecollars are scary.

That can be a REALLY dangerous situation for these kids!
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3074326;1768510; said:
Let's not let officiating be the story here. This game was exciting as hell and was definitely not decided because of officiating.

I usually never trust officiating conversation anyway until it comes from a truly unbiased third party.

All in all this game was more than just a W for our guys, it was a step forward.

We've got a couple of games before we hit the big ten to shore up some of the issues on special teams, but I honestly have nothing bad to say about the defense (or the offense for that matter) in regards to their ability to hold up down the stretch. As much as I hate to say it, the only thing that really gave us fits today was Miami's speed. It wasn't blazing but it did pose a challenge (mind you, it was a challenge in the exact same way Ohio State's speed posed a challenge). I don't think the Buckeyes are going to face a faster team all season, that bodes well for the good guys.
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OregonBuckeye;1768498; said:
I can't recall many bad calls against you guys unless you saw some missed calls.

I thought your OL played well tho even though they tackled our players occasionally.

The couple that come to mind for me would be maybe Torrence having his arm on the waist of the receiver on the Williams pick and I thought there was a bit of holding on the one long pass to Posey.

I didn't see much in the way of uncalled holding against OSU and the ones they called on Miami were pretty damn obvious.

No questionable personal foul calls....all in all, I thought the refs were just fine after the first 5-10 game minutes.
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Some Officials seriously don't understand the responsibility they have.

As to officiating and this game, no effect.
This game did NOT come down to officiating - just pointing out missed calls on both sides, and the missed horsecollars are scary.

That can be a REALLY dangerous situation for these kids!
Couldn't agree more on the missed horse-collars as a safety issue. The other things are, in general, just part of the game (though the tackling of Cam, Simon and Nathan Williams was a bit of an issue with me on Miami) and you are probably right in that the missed calls went with both ways, I just noticed them for my Buckeyes a bit more :biggrin:

I also agree that the ball-spotting was kinda shotty. Ohio State gets the benefit late in the game, Miami got the benefit in the beginning. But some rather big yardage differences from the play to the refs "interpretation".
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Love the fact that we held Miami's offense to only 10 points.

Kudos to the DLine for recording two interceptions.

Had it not been for the blatant holding, our DL would've recorded even more sacks.

Boom played no small part in our success running the ball today.

Berry and Hall are explosive. Matter of time before someone breaks one.

Pryor made an early statement for the Heisman chase.

And lastly, this team would beat Boise by about four touchdowns.
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Bucky Katt;1768530; said:
The couple that come to mind for me would be maybe Torrence having his arm on the waist of the receiver on the Williams pick and I thought there was a bit of holding on the one long pass to Posey.

I didn't see much in the way of uncalled holding against OSU and the ones they called on Miami were pretty damn obvious.

No questionable personal foul calls....all in all, I thought the refs were just fine after the first 5-10 game minutes.

Probably the one I'm thinking of... that 50-something yarder. Our lineman was tackled big time.

But then again, that first first-down we were given, was CLEARLY short by at LEAST a half-yard.

There was the other spot where TP reached out for the first. He was clearly short, as ESPN pointed out.

These are just sh!t that happens, as we all have the benefit of replays on EVERY play - refs don't.

I'm just glad it was a good, clean game - no serious injuries, hopefully.
Class, as usual, from the crowd when ANY player was down, and got back up.
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sharkonwheels;1768538; said:
Probably the one I'm thinking of... that 50-something yarder. Our lineman was tackled big time.

But then again, that first first-down we were given, was CLEARLY short by at LEAST a half-yard.

There was the other spot where TP reached out for the first. He was clearly short, as ESPN pointed out.

These are just sh!t that happens, as we all have the benefit of replays on EVERY play - refs don't.

I'm just glad it was a good, clean game - no serious injuries, hopefully.
Class, as usual, from the crowd when ANY player was down, and got back up.

No injuries? Anyone know what happened to CJ Barnett?
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k2onprimetime;1768544; said:
No injuries? Anyone know what happened to CJ Barnett?

That's why I had the "hopefully" on the end.

And what was with the announcers saying that if it rained, advantage Miami?

I saw it the OPPOSITE. wtf?

we have fast, finesse runners - not pound-the-crap, dry-or-mud backs.

I thought that statement was kinda' stupid, personally...
Something I'd expect from Musberger...
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sharkonwheels;1768550; said:
That's why I had the "hopefully" on the end.

And what was with the announcers saying that if it rained, advantage Miami?

I saw it the OPPOSITE. wtf?

we have fast, finesse runners - not pound-the-crap, dry-or-mud backs.

I thought that statement was kinda' stupid, personally...
Something I'd expect from Musberger...

Pryor's passing suffered after it started raining, he really missed a few that he would normally make. Other than that you are probably right.

I think the announcer was talking about Miami getting more practice in rain, because in Florida in the summer, it rains like, everyday at around 4 pm.
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WaitingforKickoff;1768535; said:
Love the fact that we held Miami's offense to only 10 points.

Kudos to the DLine for recording two interceptions. .......Pryor made an early statement for the Heisman chase.

And lastly, this team would beat Boise by about four touchdowns.

Yes our 'OHIO SPEED' defense killed their offense
Devin Barclay is becoming a big game kicker.
Boise is going to be really hurt by VT's loss!!!
Tressel Ball was well served by TP heroically getting 1st down runs late.
Pryor vs Jacory.... no match.
Pryor vs Masoli, no match.
Pryor is not turning the ball over!

Great win for the program.
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MondayAMGenius;1768568; said:
Yes our 'OHIO SPEED' defense killed their offense
Devin Barclay is becoming a big game kicker.
Boise is going to be really hurt by VT's loss!!!
Tressel Ball was well served by TP heroically getting 1st down runs late.
Pryor vs Jacory.... no match.
Pryor vs Masoli, no match.
Pryor is not turning the ball over!

Great win for the program.

Ditto, Cryami fans around home didn't put there money up either. Go figure
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Zander42;1768561; said:
Pryor's passing suffered after it started raining, he really missed a few that he would normally make. Other than that you are probably right.

I think the announcer was talking about Miami getting more practice in rain, because in Florida in the summer, it rains like, everyday at around 4 pm.

Practice or no, normally when rain comes, teams shift to a more run-oriented game. Miami, and it's type of programs, ie FSU, UF, the true SPEED teams, like on receivers, they're not built for that. The O-Line isn't built for that, and the runners aren't built for that.

OSU, however, would've run all up and down the field, including with TP.

I'm just happy to not have to be an FSU fan today

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sharkonwheels;1768550; said:
That's why I had the "hopefully" on the end.

And what was with the announcers saying that if it rained, advantage Miami?

I saw it the OPPOSITE. wtf?

we have fast, finesse runners - not pound-the-crap, dry-or-mud backs.

I thought that statement was kinda' stupid, personally...
Something I'd expect from Musberger...

With you on that Shark.. Big Ten has rain too, and mudders. Plus in the chess game, rain cancels out the passing game, thus Pryor has a leg up as he is clearly a superior runner.
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