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Maryland WR Stefon Diggs (official thread)

wadc45;2102087; said:
The only WR I liked better this year was DGB. 24/7, Rivals and Scout agree.

He was my 3rd favorite. I liked DGB and Cyrus Jones better. Still, we haven't had a receiver like Diggs since like Santonio Holmes, IMO. Snagging him would be HUGE, and I would think he'd get immediate PT.
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Onebuckfan;2102132; said:
Didn't you know the enviroment in Columbus causes all athletes to slow according to the World Wide Leader..save Jesse Owens and Butch Reynolds

Jesse Owens wasn't fast until he got to Berlin. It took another country to break the slowdown for Ohio State.
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Hodgepodge;2102138; said:
Germany is considerably further north than Ohio is, so I guess Owens must have benefited from having "southern speed."

Jessie Owens is from Alabama... and to Coqui, what about 4 world records in 40 minutes at the Big Ten Championship in Ann Arbor prior to the Berlin Olympics? But I digress.
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wadc45;2102075; said:
Diggs is plenty fast enough. What he has is amazing creativity and fluidity.

The creativity is gonna cause some coaches and fans a lot of thrills and heart palpitations at the next level. He'll be a B1G network highlight film if he is to come to the 43210. He's a heck of a lot of fun to watch. COD and vision is just unreal.
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sparcboxbuck;2102171; said:
The creativity is gonna cause some coaches and fans a lot of thrills and heart palpitations at the next level. He'll be a B1G network highlight film if he is to come to the 43210. He's a heck of a lot of fun to watch. COD and vision is just unreal.

What does Call of Duty have to do with this? Is he a noob?
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Hope he ends up in the Scarlet and Gray. The WR group along with the rest of the offense should be REALLY exciting to watch next year. The WR's they've added already makes for a much more COMPLETE group. Diggs just takes it to the next level, a la Teddy Ginn. I'm not saying he is Ted Ginn, he's just a difference maker when he's on the field.

I remember thinking Teddy would take every punk and KR back for TD's. :lol:

Do we like our chances of Diggs returning punts if he commits to :osu:?
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