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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

So while the reasoning is apparent, losing four guys since November is a lot, right?

Actually, no, it’s not a lot. In fact, it’s below average among Big Ten teams. Only four Big Ten teams have fewer than Ohio State’s four transfers since November — Michigan (0), Penn State (2), Purdue (3), and Wisconsin (3). (These numbers are based on 247Sports’ tracking of the portal.)

There are some B1G programs with many more transfers since November than Ohio State. Indiana has lost 12 players to the portal, Maryland has lost 10, Minnesota has lost nine. Even Northwestern has lost six players to the portal.

On average, the Big Ten has lost 5.2 players per team to the portal since November.

Where do the Ohio State departures rank nationally, you’re asking? Are OSU’s four recent transfers more than other top programs around the country? Not really. Alabama also has four transfers in that same span. Clemson has five. Texas has eight. Georgia, interestingly, has zero.

Ohio State did have a couple of players transfer midseason, so if you open up the calendar since the start of the season, the Buckeyes have lost six players to the transfer.

That’s still below the Big Ten average of 6.9 transfers per team. No team in the Big Ten has gone without a transfer this season.

Just sayin': For better or for worse, transfers like NIL are a part of college football now.
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This is honestly making my love of college football wane.
Maybe this will make you feel just a little better?

Penn State also lost one of their signal callers to the transfer portal this morning. Sophomore quarterback Ta’Quan Roberson announced on his Twitter that he will be leaving State College and finding a new home.

This comes as really no surprise. Sean Clifford announcing his decision to stay one final year at Penn State probably played a big factor in some of these decisions for their quarterback room.

Roberson appeared in one game this season, which was against Iowa when Clifford went down with an injury that sidelined him for the remainder of that night. Penn State held a 17-3 lead before Roberson entered the game.
Penn State loses Ta’Quan Roberson to transfer portal (usatoday.com)
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Not sure if I feel the portal or NIL is more destructive...
feels like the NBA.. everyone jumps every year to build one-year super teams
then it's off to another...

no one wants to compete and bet on themselves...
I highly suspected NIL would cause issues

Pretty sweet having the best DL, WR and QB coaches on the planet
Now if we'd just pay them
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