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Les Miles (grass eater)

They just had an interesting conversation on the Herd, if this guy manages to make it to the big dance and win he's going to be a 3+ Million dollar a year coach, over a five year deal that's over fifteen million, plus the one and a half mil to buy out his current deal. Tsun going to be put that out for a coach who's already 0-1 versus the Bucks? That's a lot of risk to take for someone who may be the answer, and more to note if they don't how will the fans respond to that? This looks like it has the potential to be really humorous in the long run, can't wait til after the Bowl games :biggrin:
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In the unlikely event that;
  1. scUM hires Miles AND
  2. OSU makes it to the NC game to play LSU
Wouldn't it be hilarious if scUM's new coach's last game before taking the job was a loss to Tressel? Is it just me, or would that be funny? Maybe I have a weird sense of humor, but I would really get a kick out of that. I checked with the Department of Humor, and the scUM alumnus who runs the Sports Irony department didn't think it would be funny at all. Personally, I think it would be a scream.
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DaddyBigBucks;1001336; said:
In the unlikely event that;
  1. scUM hires Miles AND
  2. OSU makes it to the NC game to play LSU
Wouldn't it be hilarious if scUM's new coach's last game before taking the job was a loss to Tressel? Is it just me, or would that be funny? Maybe I have a weird sense of humor, but I would really get a kick out of that. I checked with the Department of Humor, and the scUM alumnus who runs the Sports Irony department didn't think it would be funny at all. Personally, I think it would be a scream.

Not only that, he could very well become the first coach to lose the last game of his tenure at three different schools to Tressel if that happened. :)
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OWUBuckeye51;1000962; said:
Big Ten Network

Check out Les Miles...I think he refers to Arkansas as "arc-ansass". Hmm...:tongue2:

I lived in the Big 12 region for a while and had opportunity to travel to Arkansas several times on business. Nothing and I do mean nothing pisses the Hawgs more than to be referred to as Ar-Kansas. It is Arkansaw (sp) and they don't take kindly to mispronunciation. I think the whole state has a Mike Hart 'little brother syndrome" with Kansas. Don't know why they just do..... Les probably knows this ans is doing it to piss them off, not a real smart move.
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jwinslow;1001214; said:
"I'm focusing on beating ar Kansas" How do you not know how to pronounce the bordering state? :lol:

We can only hope that the scoreboard after the game matches the geography: Arkansas on top of Loooose-iana.
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Steve19;1000928; said:
Don't care what Miles said, if you read his body language when he said, "let it rest...I won't do anything to hurt this program", that look down and away told the world that he wants the job at TSUN.

hmm... i don't know... looked to me like he was getting all emotional and choked up right before he said, "I love this team."
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lvbuckeye;1001587; said:
hmm... i don't know... looked to me like he was getting all emotional and choked up right before he said, "I love this team."

You could be right but I am drawing on quite a bit of experience in teaching negotiation to salespeople. Here is what I observed. He was very uptight and confrontational just before the statement but his aggression lacked any moral projection. Look at him again, this is not the renunciation of a principled person rejecting a false accusation, it is the embittered protest of the child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He's the kid in the principal's office.

When the actual question is asked, he looks down and right. This typically indicates ill-ease and submission to another's point, the inability to "look the other man in the eye".

What I read into this is that he wants the Michigan job very badly but realizes he'll have a lot of trouble getting his team to a NC if he admits it right now. I don't know him but I'd bet he feels trapped by the circumstances, knows what lying did to Saban's rep, and hopes (foolishly) that he can say something indirect, like "let it lie", and the press will go away.

If this guy was across the table, I'd be thinking "we have a person here who may be a bit loose with the truth!" I guess time will tell.
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If the job is offered, he's gone. I don't think anyone at LSU believes differently. Hopefully it will not cause too much of a distraction for the Tigers before their next two games. My only question is if LSU makes it to the MNC, do they offer him the job before he goes, and would he take it under those circumstances? Guess we'll all find out soon.
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DaddyBigBucks;1001336; said:
In the unlikely event that;
  1. scUM hires Miles AND
  2. OSU makes it to the NC game to play LSU
Wouldn't it be hilarious if scUM's new coach's last game before taking the job was a loss to Tressel? Is it just me, or would that be funny? Maybe I have a weird sense of humor, but I would really get a kick out of that. I checked with the Department of Humor, and the scUM alumnus who runs the Sports Irony department didn't think it would be funny at all. Personally, I think it would be a scream.

Or scUM holds out making a job offer until after the MNC game and LSU loses. Does scUM still make the offer? Seriously, how could they extend an offer to someone that just lost to OSU?
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