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LB John Kerr (official thread)

The family got helped out when younger brother Josh received a tOSU football scholarship.

That's true, but still that's a $60K bill they are ponying up for John. Really does make you realize just how far some kids (like John) will go to fulfil their dreams of being a Buckeye. Very good read indeed, both pieces.
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He definitely has paid his "dues" (practicing with the football team for three years), as well as his tuition, books, room and board, and other expenses, etc. Let's hope he has an outstanding season as a 5th year senior.
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John Kerr
LB, Ohio State

<table class="cnnGalleryRightRail" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="170"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td> Four years after making 114 tackles as a freshman at Indiana, the fifth-year senior will be counted on to help fill the void left by departed Buckeyes stars A.J. Hawk, Bobby Carpenter and Anthony Schlegel.
Photo: Jamie Sabau/SI
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John is pretty damn quick. I use to work out with John and Josh in Strongsville when John was home. Josh was still in HS and deciding between Miami and OSU. I guess he chose Miami but got denied admission and ended up at OSU. John helped me a lot with running technique and drills when I was going out for the Columbus Destroyers. We would run sprints neck and neck which sucked for me being a WR vs. LB. He was usually quicker on the start too but we would end up step for step. 6'5, 220 vs. 6'1, 240. I ended up running a 4.51 at tryouts and made the team but they won't pay shit to someone who didn't play in college so I took a job in Atlanta instead. This was two years ago and I haven't seen, spoken with John since but I can't imagine he got any slower.

I wish the best of luck to him this year and know he will be a badass!!!
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Linebacker Kerr gets first start

Associated Press

Thursday, August 31, 2006

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- After three months of fame and nearly four years of obscurity, John Kerr is excited about Ohio State's season-opener against Northern Illinois on Saturday.
“Every waking thought is about it, which kind of makes you tired at times,” said the 23-year-old starting linebacker for the Buckeyes. “It's everything I've worked for.”
He didn't start out a Buckeye and has waited his turn for the OSU limelight. The Cleveland native signed with Indiana in 2002 and became a star that fall. He led the Hoosiers with 114 tackles and was the top freshman tackler in the Big Ten.
But he grew tired of losing and his relationship with the coaching staff soured. Despite being ignored by Ohio State during his high school career, he became a belated Buckeye.
Because the Big Ten doesn't permit athletes who transfer within the conference to receive a scholarship at their new school, Kerr's been writing checks for his tuition, room, meals and books to the Ohio State bursar's office.
After sitting out the NCAA-mandated year for transferring, he was deep on the depth chart behind the talented linebacking corps of A.J. Hawk, Bobby Carpenter and Anthony Schlegel.
He didn't play at all in 2004 and managed only 31 minutes on the field last year while Hawk was winning All-American honors for a second time and Carpenter and Schlegel seldom took a play off.
“John's a kid who's worked hard, been good on special teams, had to sit there with a bunch of great linebackers who didn't hardly let you practice let alone get in a game,” coach Jim Tressel said. “That's the way those kids were.”
But with Hawk and Carpenter drafted in the first round of last spring's NFL draft, and Schlegel in the third, Kerr is looking forward to his first start since the Indiana lost at Purdue 34-10 on Nov. 23, 2002.
“It's always tough when you start out in a very significant role and you go down to scout team and have to work your way up,” Kerr said. “There's a route that has to be taken here to get to the top and everyone has to kind of wait their turn at times. It's been tough.”
Kerr will get the nod at outside linebacker for the Buckeyes.
Sophomore James Laurinaitis, who will start alongside him at middle linebacker, said the 6-foot-1, 233-pound fifth-year senior is an inspiration.
“He's been through a lot,” Laurinaitis said. “Obviously he's had his setbacks, but now it's just, ?Let's go on the field and play football.' It'll all come back to him and he'll have a great year.”
Ohio State's other starting linebacker, Marcus Freeman, is amazed by Kerr's dedication.
“He didn't have to come to Ohio State and not be on a scholarship,” Freeman said. “That shows you how much he loves this game -- it's not the money, it's not being big on the team. It's all just playing the game of football.”
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