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LB John Kerr (official thread)

I completely disagree. I think the comparison with Pollack - a certified stud all american with d'andrea - a certified injury case is fool hardly. I know you said "could" right? blah. Anything COULD happen sure......

Reality says no way. He really hasn't proven squat. I hope he does, I just don't see it. I'll take production over promise anyday and twice on SATURDAY'S!!!

rugbybuck said:
He could be a stud there along the lines of David Pollack at Georgia, but better.
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I used to be in the MDA to DE school, but if it is true Kerr is leaving I can't imagine that is under consideration. With Kerr gone and Reggie Smith either gone or moved to DL the only backup scholarship LBs are Matthews, Lukens, Freeman and Brandon Smith - the last two true Frosh. And we have nobody in the current class yet.

On the other hand we have 15 DL on schollie and only one of those graduates this year. Plus commits from 2 more.

I'm not sure I ever heard the coaches say MDA was moving to DL. That was mostly message board speculation.
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I'm not sure I ever heard the coaches say MDA was moving to DL. That was mostly message board speculation.


Anyway... I think the reality is that we're just going to have to wait and see how this all turns out. I tend to think that we jsut assume huge amounts of depth at LB... and we a certainly blessed with more talent across 6 or 7 guys than most people... but to put D'Andrea at End... I believe would compromise all 3 LB positions as far as depth... in the event that the top 3 (Who I assume at this moment are Hawk, Carp, and the Boar Killer)... but in the event that Kerr is not "all that and a bad of chips" Then, by moving D'Andrea you do excatly what Oh8ch is talking about and while you may have great Talent behind them... you don't have huge amounts of experience.
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OH I'm sorry teacher...next time I'll use correct punctuation.....I won't use any of those dots either...and maybe I'll use periods after my sentences instead of just going on and on with little ..... like I so often do. Hell I hardly ever capitalize my words either cause I type to save time. often don't capitalize my i's either.....too bad for you. I'm sorry my incorrect spelling has offended you so. I didn't know the grammar nazi's were in full force. Get over it...and get over yourself.

Wasn't "calling you out", if i do you will know it. please. i have better things to do than "call someone out"

I think the only thing dickish was your post btw insinuating i was being a cock. relax francis.

rugbybuck said:
Fool hardly?

I'll take being called out by someone who can, and does ("production"), string together a coherent and largely correct paragraph any day and "twice on Saturdays."

Welcome to the board. You've got a point. Don't be a cock.
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BuckStocksHere said:
OH I'm sorry teacher...next time I'll use correct punctuation.....I won't use any of those dots either...and maybe I'll use periods after my sentences instead of just going on and on with little ..... like I so often do. Hell I hardly ever capitalize my words either cause I type to save time. often don't capitalize my i's either.....too bad for you. I'm sorry my incorrect spelling has offended you so. I didn't know the grammar nazi's were in full force. Get over it...and get over yourself.

Wasn't "calling you out", if i do you will know it. please. i have better things to do than "call someone out"

I think the only thing dickish was your post btw insinuating i was being a cock. relax francis.
Thanks for proving my point. My point about Pollack was simply that he has less physical ability than MDA and is being used a spot where he can maximize his talent. MDA "could" be a Pollack-type of player if used in a similar fashion. Obviously, there's no competition between the two of them, so it's not a question of production over promise.
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you mean - "...being used IN a spot..." right? :biggrin: see what happens when you make a mistake. we reap what we sow. It always comes back on ya.

I personally don't think MDA could be a pollack type player. I just haven't seen ANYTHING that would lead to that conclusion. He hasn't shown much yet. Still has two years left right? its possible...so is the end of the world today... just not probable. Pollack produces. MDA doesn't. He has promise. I stand by what I said.

rugbybuck said:
Thanks for proving my point. My point about Pollack was simply that he has less physical ability than MDA and is being used a spot where he can maximize his talent. MDA "could" be a Pollack-type of player if used in a similar fashion. Obviously, there's no competition between the two of them, so it's not a question of production over promise.
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BuckStocksHere said:
you mean - "...being used IN a spot..." right? :biggrin: see what happens when you make a mistake. we reap what we sow. It always comes back on ya.

I personally don't think MDA could be a pollack type player. I just haven't seen ANYTHING that would lead to that conclusion. He hasn't shown much yet. Still has two years left right? its possible...so is the end of the world today... just not probable. Pollack produces. MDA doesn't. He has promise. I stand by what I said.
:biggrin: Well put, Stocks. No question that DP produces. I don't think MDA has had, for all of the various reasons, a similar opportunity to produce.

BTW, I'm not a grammar nazi... doesn't make any difference to me one way or the other... my bad, if I took your first post incorrectly. Again, welcome aboard.
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Just trying to add a little brevity :-)

I thought when they signed MDA, he would be Katzenmoyer-like. I was wrong. At least so far. I think the injuries have really put him behind the proverbial 8-ball. I think this is his last year to "prove" what he has. Generally speaking, I think after your junior year, you either ARE or AREN'T a player. Trust me- I hope he busts out big time! I just have reservations, especially now with the depth. That is where the talk came about moving down to DL but if he was all that and a bag of chips...someone else would be moving I think.

Thanks for the welcome. I've been patrolling (not trolling) other boards for probably about 4-5 years. Mostly just looking not really posting too much. Just heard about this not too long ago..... and since I was banned by bucknuts about a year ago or so.......well here I am.


rugbybuck said:
:biggrin: Well put, Stocks. No question that DP produces. I don't think MDA has had, for all of the various reasons, a similar opportunity to produce.

BTW, I'm not a grammar nazi... doesn't make any difference to me one way or the other... my bad, if I took your first post incorrectly. Again, welcome aboard.
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I'm not sure I ever heard the coaches say MDA was moving to DL. That was mostly message board speculation.

Not only has the staff not say they're moving him, they specifically said they aren't moving him to DE. So, everyone who for some reason keeps clinging to that notion, let it go already.
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BuckStocksHere said:
OH I'm sorry teacher...next time I'll use correct punctuation.....I won't use any of those dots either...and maybe I'll use periods after my sentences instead of just going on and on with little ..... like I so often do. Hell I hardly ever capitalize my words either cause I type to save time. often don't capitalize my i's either.....too bad for you. I'm sorry my incorrect spelling has offended you so. I didn't know the grammar nazi's were in full force. Get over it...and get over yourself.

Wasn't "calling you out", if i do you will know it. please. i have better things to do than "call someone out"

I think the only thing dickish was your post btw insinuating i was being a cock. relax francis.
Kind of a harsh response, don't you think? Be easy. Glad you guys worked it out. On subject, I tend to agree with Rugby on this. MDA could have Pollack-like impact, provided he gets the chance. He has, so far, proven nothing, of course. But, he also has not really had the chance. We'll have to wait and see what he does with his opportunity before knowing....which is why we are debating it now. :biggrin:
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Cool as the other side of the pillow.....

Sure he "could" have an impact, though I doubt even then it would be Pollack-like(he is one of the best in the game right now...lofty standards no?).

As far as chances - well yeah... a wise man once said " you make your breaks, chances are for those who can't" .... oh wait... that was me and I just made it up!! ;-)

seriously, I tend to believe he has to take his chance. Seize his opportunity. His window is damn near closed if he doesn't do it this year. Again - I hope he dominates wherever he ends up. Though I still think he stays at LB.

FKAGobucks877 said:
Kind of a harsh response, don't you think? Be easy. Glad you guys worked it out. On subject, I tend to agree with Rugby on this. MDA could have Pollack-like impact, provided he gets the chance. He has, so far, proven nothing, of course. But, he also has not really had the chance. We'll have to wait and see what he does with his opportunity before knowing....which is why we are debating it now. :biggrin:

oh and for those who typed this... thanks. Perhaps you should re-read this thread, but whatever. Live in anonymity you slugs. weak.

especially considering i was the one who got attacked. weak, weak.

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><THEAD><TR><TD class=tcat colSpan=4>-20 points total Latest Reputation Received </TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2> Thread</TD><TD class=thead>Date</TD><TD class=thead>Comment</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p37090 width="50%">Rumors about Kerr?</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>07-19-2004 01:50 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Keep it up and I suspect you'll be banned from here as well, Francis.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p37038 width="50%">Rumors about Kerr?</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>07-19-2004 01:45 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">this board doesn't like messages like this</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p37059 width="50%">Rumors about Kerr?</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>07-19-2004 12:06 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">dont be a dick. this isnt bucknuts</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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