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LB Etienne Sabino (official thread)

Gallipo is going to be an absolute stud though...we have a ton of talent at LB but last year we took Hines and Rolle, then Homan, Johnson, Grant, and Gibson the year before. Hines and Rolle are OLB's all the way, Homan could play MIKE but I is at WILL, Grant will be gone, Gibson is a DE, and the leaves Johnson at MIKE, who I really haven't heard much from (possible DE move?). I agree there will always be competition at OSU, especially at LB, but Gallipo is an exceptional talent whom I couldn't see many leapfrogging on the depth chart. Yes, Spitler is here and Sabino could have to wait his turn but the wait may not be that long, plus there are no Gallipo's only a year ahead of him. Regardless he will be a Buckeye so it's moot :wink2:
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wadc45;985883; said:
No problem, Gaylord...I would suspect it will be halftime of the Samford/Tennessee State game on ESPNU. We will let you know when we know for sure.
No way!! Samford is playing?! Nice, I got a buddy that starts at TE for them. I haven't had a chance to see him on TV yet... sweet.
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