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The first third or so was terrible. After that I don't know whether it got better or I just got acclimated to it. Crowe is like Denzel. He does a good job but it's the same thing every time. It could've been called Noah Maximus.
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"Mr. Popper's Penguins" I didn't want to like this movie but I couldn't help myself. It's beyond goofy. It's got CGI penguins doing stupid human tricks. And Jim Carey has been on a bad movie death roll lately. I enjoyed this movie.
I probably even like Bo Pelini's cat now!
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It's based out of Washington DC, so it had lots of action combined with modern day political topics. I really enjoyed it.

The longer I get away from seeing it the more I liked Cap2. I'm looking forward to the Superman/Batman Cap3 showdown in a couple years. Seems like a pretty dumb move on WB's part since that movie means more to them than Cap3 does to Marvel. If Marvel really wants to stick it to WB they should make Cap3 Avengers 2.5 and bring in a couple more Avengers to make it bigger. If Cap3 can beat Superman/Batman it pretty much ruins movies based on DC comics until they decide to reboot Batman again.

It's amazing that Marvel comics can support 3-4 movies a year and DC can only muster 1 every 2-3 years.
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would be pretty embrassing for WB/DC if they lose or come close to losing against a stand alone marvel movie with C list characters (outside of Cap) against their biggest franchises coming together for the first time

I for one will be seeing both, hopefully on the same weekend
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"Mr. Popper's Penguins" I didn't want to like this movie but I couldn't help myself. It's beyond goofy. It's got CGI penguins doing stupid human tricks. And Jim Carey has been on a bad movie death roll lately. I enjoyed this movie.
I probably even like Bo Pelini's cat now!

Funny you post this. I picked this up out of the 5 dollar movie bin at walmart and threw it in my sons Easter basket this weekend. Goofy fun is a good description.
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Yeah so I saw 2 indie horror flicks that have been getting a lot of buzz this year:

-Toad Road: Another Artsploitation release that I checked out after Hidden in the Woods. I didn't realize that there are rumors abound that all of the drug use in the film was real and that the lead actress died of a heroin overdose right after the movie's release. It was kind of Blair Witch-ish in that most of the beginning was setting up for the "payoff" at the end, which delivered on some level (the parallels between the urban legend and drug addiction were frightening) but really left me thinking it was a missed opportunity. It wasn't a bad movie, I'm just not sure what to make of it exactly. 2-2.5./5, somewhere in that range, I think they can do better id they figure out some aspects of filmmaking as they go on.

-Contracted: Rather than going into the diatribe I was going to, I will just say there is no way to adequately describe how much I hated this movie. Every male was a brainless misogynist, yet every female was filled with such confusion and self-loathing that there wasn't an ounce of a single character in this film with any protagonist in them. The virus is almost incidental for gross-out moments, because beyond that this was just a heaping pile of garbage. 0/5, I would give it less inf I could.
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