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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Man, rolling in the honors lately. Offer from (Insert Any School Here), 5* rating, and now AAA game early inductee. Congrats Lamarcus, can't wait to see you make it to Columbus.
Seriously, Lamarcus will be up here first for our spring game, and then to kick the crap out of Upper Arlington in the Herbie Classic and then again on an official. Hope he likes it!
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southcampus;1433797; said:
Man, rolling in the honors lately. Offer from (Insert Any School Here), 5* rating, and now AAA game early inductee. Congrats Lamarcus, can't wait to see you make it to Columbus.
Seriously, Lamarcus will be up here first for our spring game, and then to kick the crap out of Upper Arlington in the Herbie Classic and then again on an official. Hope he likes it!

He didn't commit to playing in US AA game. He already signed up for the Under AA game. His jersey came in the other day.
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To stray for Lamarcus for one quick question;

genron, in your opinion is the Under Armour game becoming "the one" with these top kids? MOst of us assumed it would eventually take over the Army game because of the ESPN backing, but I was just wondering what these kids actually think. Obviously, being invited to play in either is a huge honor.
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genron187;1434089; said:
He didn't commit to playing in US AA game. He already signed up for the Under AA game. His jersey came in the other day.

Haha, somebody should tells Rivals, since they came out with a list yesterday saying he's gonna play.. However, I guess they give themselves some wiggle room by saying

"Players who have declared their intentions to play in the Army game"
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Buckeyecty4;1434193; said:
Haha, somebody should tells Rivals, since they came out with a list yesterday saying he's gonna play.. However, I guess they give themselves some wiggle room by saying

"Players who have declared their intentions to play in the Army game"

I saw that too and thought to myself that ESPN would be pissed that such a high profile player from the South spurned them for the AA game. Nevermind then!

And yes, someone should tell Rivals LOL!
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genron187;1366604; said:
OK, our bad. no need to split. On scout 2010 1st list they have LJ as the number one CB. I really wants to play FS but enjoys the idea of playing corner. Look at corner, he's a beast. i wish you all knew how strong he is. When i get my hands on the palmetto tape i'll upload it on youtube and let you see how him and Berry was meeting all game. I know you think of a 170 pound guy as small but not him. He looks 180 and right now hes benching 275 with lil spot twice, no joke.

Miami, USC cranking out NFL players - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Ohio State

Skinny: No college program produced more NFL draft picks over the past 10 years, and no team had a larger single haul than the Buckeyes? monstrous 14-pick class in 2004. How Ohio State didn?t win more national championships over this span is anyone?s guess, particularly given the program?s absurd wealth of defensive talent. The Buckeyes were the preeminent producer of talent in the secondary over the last decade.

and two more are going in this year too.

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SweetBuckeye;1434535; said:
Miami, USC cranking out NFL players - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Ohio State

Skinny: No college program produced more NFL draft picks over the past 10 years, and no team had a larger single haul than the Buckeyes? monstrous 14-pick class in 2004. How Ohio State didn?t win more national championships over this span is anyone?s guess, particularly given the program?s absurd wealth of defensive talent. The Buckeyes were the preeminent producer of talent in the secondary over the last decade.

and two more are going in this year too.


I posted it earlier in this thread, but when it comes to DB's, tOSU is in another stratosphere. It isn't even debateable. Not sure what the logic is behind it, but DB's just flourish here. Hopefully LeMarcus uses Ohio State as a stepping stone, but if he doesn't, someone else will be developed. Not a knock on LeMarcus, just a guess based upon the last 10 years of DB's here. It' be great to see LeMarcus become our next great blitzing CB a la Antonie Winfield and Malcolm Jenkins. I was probabaly 9 or 10 years old when Antoine was blowing up defenders at 5'9 and I'll never forget it. I'll always remember Antoine sprinting in blindisde on a QB and just bringing the wood. How amazing is it that Antoine was named the hardest hitter under 6'0 by SI just a few years ago.
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Its a testament to this guy's skill that he's so highly ranked, despite most of the paysites making note of his stature. Him paired with Cody Riggs is going to be quite a corner tandem at St. Thomas Aquinas next fall.
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IrishCalves;1435618; said:
Its a testament to this guy's skill that he's so highly ranked, despite most of the paysites making note of his stature. Him paired with Cody Riggs is going to be quite a corner tandem at St. Thomas Aquinas next fall.

Riggs, Joyner, Robinson, and Payne should be great to see. Ill still take my money on those mighty Northwestern Bulls. STA is so scared to play them. Their coach has always ran from us or any top dade team. Just plain ole scared. Anywayz, I heard Riggs was almost a lock to ND, something about family ties and A. Allen.
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Buckeyecty4;1436072; said:
Genron, how was the trip to UGA?

The trip was a blast. It started off kind of suspect though. To begin, the coach that we drove up with had trouble securing a van on Friday morning. So he instead got a vehicle from his relative. The car he got was a Ford Explorer (and not the big one) and not fairly new and top condition. To problem was that we had a van amount of guys going. But the guys were so eager to go that 2 sat in the luggage area of the car while the other 3 squished together in the back seat and I myself being nice push up the front passenger seat to spare room for them. Yeah it was tight. I thought it was going to be crazy. Then we started off and the car made a loud noise and the brakes skipped a lil when you hit them. I was like what the? I was like coach you think we're going to make it. He tells me the car made it to New York and back, and I said that's probably all that it can do. But the guys didnt seem to have a problem. They fun cracking jokes and being silly. I think we laughed the whole trip. To add, on the way up there I thought I lost the little money that I had. Come to find out it fell out of my pocket to the corner of my car when we loaded up. But still, I had not even one cent to my name to whole trip. I was like please help me lord. I was pissed, not just about me but i got to look out for Lamarcus. It was tough, but the guys helped out and Mike let me get 20$. To the credit of UGA, they didnt even buy us bubble gum.....a bubble gum! UGA was like nope, cant even buy you a sweet and sour candy. So I didnt eat like i wanted but we got enough, praise the Lord. UGA was cool, Coach Richt and Martinez was awesome. The Highlight of the trip: I asked Richt about his faith and how it relates to this program and to his philosophy. He answered that question so throughly, respectful, and clean. Everyone sitting their was impressed. Speechless, probably could have had an alter call, lol. I really respect UGA and wouldnt mine sending any kid there. Especially over FSU (had to throw that in there, although FSU is still extremely hard to beat out) but thats only how I feel, not LJ. That night we spent in ATL, atlantic station had so many beautiful women. Had fun there too. But coach Mike came through, he has a huge empty house in Dallas, ga where we stayed. It was big but it was cold as heck, enjoyable none the least. UGA top 5 but so so. Im hoping they really offer Tony Grimes who is from Coach Martinez HS. Tony would commit on the spot i promise. And coach Richt loved him.
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