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2026 LA DL Jahkeem Stewart (Verbal Offer)

Respectfully, JT stunted his own growth playing the recruiting game not coming until August. To be honest Jack took longer to develop than I expected. Both highly rated as you mentioned. Both studs but have lower ceilings IMO, than Stewart.
I was just stating that OSU has landed DL rated as highly as Stewart. All of the superlatives that have been used for Stewart were all used for JT and Sawyer, but mainly JT. He was also considered generational, and a must get, and "different". Of course things change when players get to college. I remember when Robert Nkemdiche was considered one of the best players to ever enter CFB. I remember when Ronald Powell and Rashan Gary were also supposed to tear up CFB and were also considered "different".
And Jack's development isn't all his fault, he was tasked with playing out of position as a Jack as a Soph when he had a promising true frosh year. And then his 3rd year he became arguably OSU's best DE.
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