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Hodge;678248; said:
We know that the team will be ready, but that's not the point at all.

Actually, it is. The team plays, the fans don't. I can understand warning us against saying stuff we'd be embarassed about later if we were upset in Glendale, but I completely disagree with any comparisons between this NC game and 2002/03. We are not Miami, Florida definitely ain't OSU, so if anything let's stop giving them this "us against the world" underdog storyline. It's #1 versus #2 and that's it: I respect Florida the same way I respected Texas and Michigan earlier this year.
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BayBuck;678269; said:
Actually, it is. The team plays, the fans don't. I can understand warning us against saying stuff we'd be embarassed about later if we were upset in Glendale, but I completely disagree with any comparisons between this NC game and 2002/03. We are not Miami, Florida definitely ain't OSU, so if anything let's stop giving them this "us against the world" underdog storyline. It's #1 versus #2 and that's it: I respect Florida the same way I respected Texas and Michigan earlier this year.

You must not have been paying attention to much of what has been posted in the past 24 hours...the arrogance is embarrassing. A number of fans are dismissing this game as a done deal...that is exactly like Miami. Its not an "us against the world" storyline yet...however, that is exactly what I would like to avoid.

In the context of this board, I'd also hope for the same decent conversation amongst fanbases that we've enjoyed over the last few years...however, as we've multiplied numerous times in membership, I know it will not be as seamless as it has been.

Again, if you don't see a problem...cool. No harm, no foul.
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BayBuck;678269; said:
Actually, it is. The team plays, the fans don't. I can understand warning us against saying stuff we'd be embarassed about later if we were upset in Glendale, but I completely disagree with any comparisons between this NC game and 2002/03. We are not Miami, Florida definitely ain't OSU, so if anything let's stop giving them this "us against the world" underdog storyline. It's #1 versus #2 and that's it: I respect Florida the same way I respected Texas and Michigan earlier this year.

I agree with grad. It IS a problem in general. You seem to have it under control exactly as it should be. It would be nice if everyone else to had it under control.
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A post and message about respect and over-confidence that has lots of merit and relevance OSUgrad in any big game, let alone a National Championship....that said, I do think you guys'll beat the Gators waaaaaay worse than you beat us (TSUN) :)
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BearBuck27;678475; said:
Remember, we have at least 1 Gator who reads this board. We don't want to piss the big fella off. :)

Awww he's just a Buckeye in Gator hide! :biggrin:

Most people on here who have any sense, have either been here for a while and know what this thread is about or needs to be shown the learning curve. Someone mentioned a few posts earlier that we will be having a tremendous amount of fairweather or bandwagon fans and thats absolutely true. I noticed it the week of THE GAME. People who really love tOSU and everything about it should feel free to put those people in their place. We dont need misrepresentation from dumbasses, of which there are more than a few. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but at least be decent about how you come across with it. Nice post Grad.
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I had someone comment to me today that OSU will win by three touchdowns. My response was "That is what they said about Miami in 02."

I trust Tressel and the team, but I am not painting the endzones.
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It has been mentioned over and over that the current season has brought out the bandwagon-jumping loudmouth Buckeye fans and that the rest of us should endeavor to put the best face on Buckeye nation.

Part of putting the best face on Buckeye nation is realizing that the other side has their bandwagon-jumpers too, and we should not castigate "Gator Fans" for the behavior of their johnny-come-latelys.

Bear in mind that they have recently been through seasons that got a coach fired. They have risen back to greatness as fast as Tressel brought the Buckeye program back. Their bandwagon-jumpers are feeling that surge of a return to prominence that we felt in '02. Their hard-core fans should not be held responsible for that.

We have had several examples of delusional, dismissive, rude and just plain stupid Gator propaganda posted (linked to) on the board lately. But I work with several Gators as does my wife. I know several more because all of the parents of Autistic kids in Tallahasse seem to know each other. Do you know how many of those Gator fans fit the above description? Zero.

Every Gator fan that I have had any discussion with at all this season has been respectful, humble and decent. They have not once mentioned Florida speed. They tell me "Now we're going to see how good our defense really is". When I respond "likewise", they tell me that I'm giving their offense too much credit.

Whatever you've heard about Gator fans, if it's negative, dismiss it. We should be the last people on Earth to think that "message-board-guy" is a valid sampling of a fan-base.
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I agree that the overconfidence thing IS a big problem. Again, this is why we should not be surprised to see Florida go down the field and score on their first possession. Something about big games, we seem to let them score first just so we can get our adjustments ready.

Anyway, the love for Ohio State AND the point spread will just get bigger after Troy wins the Heisman... Non-Buckeye fans will probably get a little jealous/sick of seeing the FANTASTIC CLIPS of Troy spinning, running and throwing 30 touchdown darts during this past year. Probably a couple clips from the ND Fiesta Bowl back in January....

Anyway, the line will grow then (especially if OSU fans are betting some serious dough on the game), and Florida will go into the championship game as 8 or 9 point underdogs. Along with a good coach like UMeyer, that underdog crap worries me.

All I'm saying is it PROBABLY won't be a 35 point margin of victory for the Bucks. JT knows all of this, too, and hopefully will once again have the team ready.

So to Florida fans, I say, nice team, nice year, let's have a good game...

Go Bucks!
Just win, baby!!!!
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FL will certainly come to play. And they have proven themselves champions, which should be respected. But the comparisons to the 02 OSU team are weak, at best.

Any knowledgeable football fan could see 02 OSU matched up very well with the 02 Canes. Our best players that year were going to go up against theirs. And it played out in OSU's favor. There weren't any big holes on OSU's team that one would say Miami was going to exploit. They had Winslow, we had Doss, they had Johnson, we had Gamble, etc.

And any knowledgeable football fan can see this FL team matches up poorly with this year's OSU team. They have a suspect secondary past their two stars. You need to have a very deep secondary because Troy will just find who is open, even if he's the 5th option on that play. The one weakness OSU has shown is stopping the run. FL's best running play is when their 2nd string QB is in the game.

I get upset a little with how the 02 team is perceived, even by alledged OSU fans. That team probably had more talent than the 06 Buckeyes. They had close games, but I honestly believe most of them were due to Clarett's injury situation. He was the key to our offense and when he was 100% we put up big numbers.

Finally, with all due respect to all the FL players and FL players' mothers and fathers and all the many FL players' friends and fans who may possibly be reading this Buckeye fan board...This game won't be close. Ohio State would have to play its worst game of the season, Illinois included, to lose this game. FL is out of its league here. They are a year away. The national title game was Nov 18th.
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I never bashed Florida. Had I bashed them or anyone else, you'd know rather quickly. I am discussing FL in my posts because they are OSU's next opponent. And it's kind of a big game.

And I'll teach you anything you'd like. School's always in session.
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