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OSU Rob;681608; said:
um florida has plenty of talent and ability to beat us, so while us blowing them out is not necessarily impossible, imo it's highly unlikely

Really I don't know. It's hard to read the SEC as none of them will ever come out of their conference to play a major team. Vandy comes out and plays Michigan, I think Ten played Cal but otherwise I always see them playing teams near their conference.

A couple years ago, everyone said the Pac10 was horrible and that when USC played a real opponent they would get destroyed. Well Oklahoma will say otherwise. It's hard to judge an opponent based on who they played in their conference.

I feel the same about how people look at the UM/OSU game, there's a lot of differences every year from your average UM or OSU team. People play with a lot more emotion, and the teams you see on the field aren't always what the teams really are (if that makes any sense).
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Rufusbaron;681588; said:
I never bashed Florida. Had I bashed them or anyone else, you'd know rather quickly. I am discussing FL in my posts because they are OSU's next opponent. And it's kind of a big game.

And I'll teach you anything you'd like. School's always in session.

Take it easy there Champ. Maybe you should sit this one out.
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I think Grad was saying we can discuss the game and have good-natured bantering with the Gator Fans just don't let it get personal or out of hand. All of us have an opinion on how the game might go..and a final score but as we've seen all year its not that easy. Look at the disscussion of "the GAME" not many had it 42-39. Or had Roy Hall catching the first TD.
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As a graduate of the University of Tennessee, i have watched Florida play MANY times over the past years. I have also learned to hate them, as they seem to always pull out last second victories against the Vols, even when they are not supposed to. Any OSU fan who is expecting or predicting a blowout has obviously not watched UF's defense this year. I also think the "speed advantage" some people are giving to UF, us BS. OSU is not the good ole' Big 10 team of old. UF will come to play, and it WILL be a close game....mark it down.
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There's no doubt that Florida can do to us what we did to Miami.

1). UF have a big playmaker at safety: Reggie Nelson. He is their version of Mike Doss. When their offense is sputtering, he's the guy on defense making stops. Florida would need him to play as well as Doss did in the championship game.

2). The Gators have a couple of excellent DEs. Harvey has eight sacks on the season to go along with Moss's 5.5 sacks (numbers courtesy of Swamp Gas). Hear their names called a lot would not be a good thing for the Bucks.

We did not drive up and down the field against Miami. Rather, it was our defense that put the offense in position to put points on the board. If Florida's defense comes out playing with high intensity, it's going to be a battle that lasts four quarters.
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Tresselbeliever;681909; said:
There's no doubt that Florida can do to us what we did to Miami.

1). UF have a big playmaker at safety: Reggie Nelson. He is their version of Mike Doss. When their offense is sputtering, he's the guy on defense making stops. Florida would need him to play as well as Doss did in the championship game.

2). The Gators have a couple of excellent DEs. Harvey has eight sacks on the season to go along with Moss's 5.5 sacks (numbers courtesy of Swamp Gas). Hear their names called a lot would not be a good thing for the Bucks.

We did not drive up and down the field against Miami. Rather, it was our defense that put the offense in position to put points on the board. If Florida's defense comes out playing with high intensity, it's going to be a battle that lasts four quarters.
Good points. Nelson won the DB award. We don't want to disrespect the talent of this team. Plenty has already been said about their team speed.
The 3 things I think we really have going for us is our whole team talents, Troy Smith, the big game player, and Fla's youth and inexperience.
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