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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

And that whole multiple accounts/circumventing a ban thingy....

I was banned it said until June 10th, so I didn't circumvent anything til now. They can ban me all they want, I can keep coming back. If they would leave me alone I probably wouldn't even post that much, but since they feel the need to play double standard, the longer it continues the more I will keep coming back. Masking an IP address is not hard....
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I don't do it, not like that. I make my point, you are clearly trolling. Show me one time when I was being sarcastic and consistently doing exactly what you are?
I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being retarded enough to believe that just calling somebody a hater dismisses their argument and lets mine prevail unopposed. You're just hating on how I post and need to get over it.
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I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being retarded enough to believe that just calling somebody a hater dismisses their argument and lets mine prevail unopposed. You're just hating on how I post and need to get over it.

Works both ways. I am sorry that Manziel haters have to blow up everything he does, from an outside perspective it's sad. I get those who are trashing him are too biased to see how silly they are... and obsessed. It's like trying to tell a racist he is wrong, they are so immersed in their ways they can't look at anoter side.
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Works both ways. I am sorry that Manziel haters have to blow up everything he does, from an outside perspective it's sad. I get those who are trashing him are too biased to see how silly they are... and obsessed. It's like trying to tell a racist he is wrong, they are so immersed in their ways they can't look at anoter side.
You say it works both ways.....yet I'm 100% convinced that you don't know what that means.
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You say it works both ways.....yet I'm 100% convinced that you don't know what that means.

well - looking back - he posted something completely out of touch about Thad Matta, then tried to top himself by posting even more inane claims about only National Title coaches should be at Ohio State and then took offense when the entire forum basically told him he was being dumb and that Ohio State is not UNC or Dook or Kentucky.

I just wonder what the total number of accounts he truly has here - this guy is clearly not BKB like the rest of us.
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