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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

You "can't stand"... which is pretty much the same thing as "hating".

So any general dislike is "hating". Man, you young kids have this covered. Anything perceived as not being positive gets this stupid label thrown at it.

So unless you literally cannot stand up, get over it.

Was this supposed to be some clever play on words?

Would you by chance be related to LitlBuck? (Low blow... My apologies). That said, while some of us may 'whine' about Manziel, we're certainly not the rah-rah cheerleader you try so hard to be.
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You "can't stand"... which is pretty much the same thing as "hating". So unless you literally cannot stand up, get over it. Use whatever word you like, I have sat back and read you guys whine incessantly about JF for a month now, get over it and find a new target, flipping out over ever little thing is something ESecPN would do.... and does.
Maybe you should stop hating on the haters and get over it.
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Well the ban said until June 10th, I guess I should have recognized the personal vendetta against me by a lot of you and how no matter what I say if it's in disagreement I get flamed and then banned by the powers that be. Definitely a whole lot of double standards going on here. All I want to do is talk sports and yet I get banned bc I disagree with the inner circle..... And you want people to donate for banners, why would people do so when they get treated like this?
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Well the ban said until June 10th, I guess I should have recognized the personal vendetta against me by a lot of you and how no matter what I say if it's in disagreement I get flamed and then banned by the powers that be. Definitely a whole lot of double standards going on here. All I want to do is talk sports and yet I get banned bc I disagree with the inner circle..... And you want people to donate for banners, why would people do so when they get treated like this?

Welcome to BP Buckeyeguy3!
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Yeah you're loving it. You post the same and yet you never get dinged. You're like that sneaky little kid in school who starts things but then the teacher only sees the reaction and you get off scott free lol

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Well the ban said until June 10th, I guess I should have recognized the personal vendetta against me by a lot of you and how no matter what I say if it's in disagreement I get flamed and then banned by the powers that be. Definitely a whole lot of double standards going on here. All I want to do is talk sports and yet I get banned bc I disagree with the inner circle..... And you want people to donate for banners, why would people do so when they get treated like this?
Right, because nobody is going to realize it's you...you so sneaky!
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Well the ban said until June 10th, I guess I should have recognized the personal vendetta against me by a lot of you and how no matter what I say if it's in disagreement I get flamed and then banned by the powers that be. Definitely a whole lot of double standards going on here. All I want to do is talk sports and yet I get banned bc I disagree with the inner circle..... And you want people to donate for banners, why would people do so when they get treated like this?
why don't you stop hating on being mistreated, hater? get over it.
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