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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)


Thanks for all you do, Coach!
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Can't believe it's been a decade. I remember hearing he was hired (I was living in the UK at the time) and telling everybody Tressel would have this program turned around very quickly. Now, 106 wins, a National Title, 7 B10 Titles and 9 wins against scUM, and 8 BCS Bowls later, I guess I was right.
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NFBuck;1858806; said:
Can't believe it's been a decade. I remember hearing he was hired (I was living in the UK at the time) and telling everybody Tressel would have this program turned around very quickly. Now, 106 wins, a National Title, 6 B10 Titles and 9 wins against scUM, and 8 BCS Bowls later, I guess I was right.
Isn't it 7 Big Ten Titles? 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
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I wasn't living in Ohio at the time of Cooper's exit and Tressel's entrance. To be honest, the coverage in NC at the time was rather lacking. I remember "Jim Tressel coached Youngstown State to four national championships". That was enough for me to believe the guy could get it done at a higher level.

You haven't disappointed at all, Coach! :cheers:

Thanks for being at tOSU!
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Thanks for a great ten years, coach. Watching the Buckeyes win is great.

Watching them win while displaying character and integrity makes it even better.

Please stay as head coach of the Buckeyes for as long as you feel you are able to maintain your own standards.

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The local Y-Town media went wall to wall coverage during his hiring. I had been talking up Tressel for several years already. The final nail in Coop's coffin for me was the "Springs Slips" game (aarrrghh!) and I was ready to move on. Well, it took a few more years and a few more losses that still piss me the [Mark May] off. But in the end, I got the Coach I had wanted for 4-5 years. Oh how I wish Tressel would've coached that '98 team....Arrrrgh! Anyway, thank goodness TOSU had the foresight and guts to go with the little-known 1AA coach from YSU.
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FCollinsBuckeye;1858427; said:
I'm planning on going to bed at 10. JT would approve.


Come to think of it, I plan on rewatching the January 2003 CG--especially the postgame ceremony for "the best damn team in the land!!"

After all the garbage he took through the season from "espin" and others, he had that one coming.

Congrats JT.........you're the best of the best.

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This man is a class act in every single way. In the classroom, in the community, and on the field, his players reflect that. What a sincere honor it is for Ohio State to have this man coach its football team.
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